Hello Everyone,
I running a full optimization calculation with on the nickel 111 surface
slab and accounting for dispersion correction. When the job starts
running, i get the error below:
Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

Below is the content of my input file:
       title = 'Ni-111-2x2-Perfects' ,
       calculation = 'relax' ,
       restart_mode = 'from_scratch' ,
       outdir = './temp' ,
       pseudo_dir = '/home/eliot/pseudo' ,
       prefix = 'Ni-111-2x2-Perfect',
       tstress = .true. ,
       tprnfor = .true. ,
       disk_io = 'low',
       wf_collect = .true.
       max_seconds = 85000,
       ibrav = 0,
       celldm(1) = 1.8897259,
       nat = 96,
       ntyp = 1,
       ecutwfc = 35,
       ecutrho = 350,
       london_s6 = 1.25
       london_rcut = 12
        conv_thr = 1.0D-6,
        mixing_beta = 0.1,
        electron_maxstep = 1000,
      Ni 58.6934  Ni.revpbe-n-rrkjus.UPF
Ni  1.2430410000    0.7176700000    0.0000000000
Ni  4.9722280000    2.8707170000    0.0000270000
Ni  3.7291870000    0.7176700000    0.0000000000
Ni  2.4861140000    2.8707370000    0.0000000000
Ni  1.2430410000    3.5883870000    2.0299030000
Ni  4.9722280000    5.7414340000    2.0299300000
Ni 11.1875290000   19.3773310000   10.1495150000
Ni   9.9444560000   21.5303980000   10.1495150000
K_POINTS automatic
  3 3 1   0 0 0
 +9.9444560978  +0.0000000000  +0.0000000000
 +4.9722280490  +8.6121516076  +0.0000000000
 -0.0000000000  +17.2243032150 +32.1794197754
When I checked for similar problems that have been addressed in this
forum, Paolo had mentioned that it was a problem regarding van der Walls
corrections like Grimme's DFT+D and also, the reporter should pay
attention to the number between brackets which is the number of
atom-atom distances smaller than an internally computed value and It
should be at most a few tens, not 31367. And also look at the outputs
for something weird, such as e.g. an exceptionally small unit cell.

As seen, the bracketed value is less than 10. I also checked the output
file and I didn't find anything regarding my unit unit cell being
exceptionally small.
Attached are the output and input files

What could be the problem with my system and how do I resolve it please?

Thank you,
Kind Regards,

Elliot S. Menkah, AMRSC
Research Student - Computational Chemistry/ Computational Material Science
Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Lab.
Dept. of Chemistry
Kwame Nkrumah University of Sci. and Tech.

Tel: +233 243-055-717

Alt Email: esmen...@knust.edu.gh

       title = 'Ni-111-2x2-Perfects' ,
       calculation = 'relax' ,
       restart_mode = 'from_scratch' ,
       outdir = './temp' ,
       pseudo_dir = '/home/eliot/pseudo' ,
       prefix = 'Ni-111-2x2-Perfect',
       tstress = .true. ,
       tprnfor = .true. ,
       disk_io = 'low',
       wf_collect = .true.
       max_seconds = 85000,
       ibrav = 0,
       celldm(1) = 1.8897259,
       nat = 96,
       ntyp = 1,
       ecutwfc = 35,
       ecutrho = 350,
       london_s6 = 1.25
       london_rcut = 12
        conv_thr = 1.0D-6,
        mixing_beta = 0.1,
        electron_maxstep = 1000,
      Ni 58.6934  Ni.revpbe-n-rrkjus.UPF
Ni  1.2430410000    0.7176700000    0.0000000000
Ni  4.9722280000    2.8707170000    0.0000270000
Ni  3.7291870000    0.7176700000    0.0000000000
Ni  2.4861140000    2.8707370000    0.0000000000
Ni  1.2430410000    3.5883870000    2.0299030000
Ni  4.9722280000    5.7414340000    2.0299300000
Ni  3.7291870000    3.5883870000    2.0299030000
Ni  2.4861140000    5.7414540000    2.0299030000
Ni  1.2430410000    6.4591040000    4.0598060000
Ni  4.9722280000    8.6121510000    4.0598330000
Ni  3.7291870000    6.4591040000    4.0598060000
Ni  2.4861140000    8.6121710000    4.0598060000
Ni  1.2430410000    9.3298210000    6.0897090000
Ni  4.9722280000   11.4828680000    6.0897360000
Ni  3.7291870000    9.3298210000    6.0897090000
Ni  2.4861140000   11.4828880000    6.0897090000
Ni  1.2430410000   12.2005380000    8.1196120000
Ni  4.9722280000   14.3535850000    8.1196390000
Ni  3.7291870000   12.2005380000    8.1196120000
Ni  2.4861140000   14.3536050000    8.1196120000
Ni  1.2430410000   15.0712550000   10.1495150000
Ni  4.9722280000   17.2243020000   10.1495420000
Ni  3.7291870000   15.0712550000   10.1495150000
Ni  2.4861140000   17.2243220000   10.1495150000
Ni  3.7291550000    5.0237460000    0.0000000000
Ni  7.4583420000    7.1767930000    0.0000270000
Ni  6.2153010000    5.0237460000    0.0000000000
Ni  4.9722280000    7.1768130000    0.0000000000
Ni  3.7291550000    7.8944630000    2.0299030000
Ni  7.4583420000   10.0475100000    2.0299300000
Ni  6.2153010000    7.8944630000    2.0299030000
Ni  4.9722280000   10.0475300000    2.0299030000
Ni  3.7291550000   10.7651800000    4.0598060000
Ni  7.4583420000   12.9182270000    4.0598330000
Ni  6.2153010000   10.7651800000    4.0598060000
Ni  4.9722280000   12.9182470000    4.0598060000
Ni  3.7291550000   13.6358970000    6.0897090000
Ni  7.4583420000   15.7889440000    6.0897360000
Ni  6.2153010000   13.6358970000    6.0897090000
Ni  4.9722280000   15.7889640000    6.0897090000
Ni  3.7291550000   16.5066140000    8.1196120000
Ni  7.4583420000   18.6596610000    8.1196390000
Ni  6.2153010000   16.5066140000    8.1196120000
Ni  4.9722280000   18.6596810000    8.1196120000
Ni  3.7291550000   19.3773310000   10.1495150000
Ni  7.4583420000   21.5303780000   10.1495420000
Ni  6.2153010000   19.3773310000   10.1495150000
Ni  4.9722280000   21.5303980000   10.1495150000
Ni  6.2152690000    0.7176700000    0.0000000000
Ni  9.9444560000    2.8707170000    0.0000270000
Ni  8.7014150000    0.7176700000    0.0000000000
Ni  7.4583420000    2.8707370000    0.0000000000
Ni  6.2152690000    3.5883870000    2.0299030000
Ni  9.9444560000    5.7414340000    2.0299300000
Ni  8.7014150000    3.5883870000    2.0299030000
Ni  7.4583420000    5.7414540000    2.0299030000
Ni  6.2152690000    6.4591040000    4.0598060000
Ni  9.9444560000    8.6121510000    4.0598330000
Ni  8.7014150000    6.4591040000    4.0598060000
Ni  7.4583420000    8.6121710000    4.0598060000
Ni  6.2152690000    9.3298210000    6.0897090000
Ni  9.9444560000   11.4828680000    6.0897360000
Ni  8.7014150000    9.3298210000    6.0897090000
Ni  7.4583420000   11.4828880000    6.0897090000
Ni  6.2152690000   12.2005380000    8.1196120000
Ni  9.9444560000   14.3535850000    8.1196390000
Ni  8.7014150000   12.2005380000    8.1196120000
Ni  7.4583420000   14.3536050000    8.1196120000
Ni  6.2152690000   15.0712550000   10.1495150000
Ni  9.9444560000   17.2243020000   10.1495420000
Ni  8.7014150000   15.0712550000   10.1495150000
Ni  7.4583420000   17.2243220000   10.1495150000
Ni  8.7013830000    5.0237460000    0.0000000000
Ni 12.4305700000    7.1767930000    0.0000270000
Ni 11.1875290000    5.0237460000    0.0000000000
Ni  9.9444560000    7.1768130000    0.0000000000
Ni  8.7013830000    7.8944630000    2.0299030000
Ni 12.4305700000   10.0475100000    2.0299300000
Ni 11.1875290000    7.8944630000    2.0299030000
Ni  9.9444560000   10.0475300000    2.0299030000
Ni  8.7013830000   10.7651800000    4.0598060000
Ni 12.4305700000   12.9182270000    4.0598330000
Ni 11.1875290000   10.7651800000    4.0598060000
Ni  9.9444560000   12.9182470000    4.0598060000
Ni  8.7013830000   13.6358970000    6.0897090000
Ni 12.4305700000   15.7889440000    6.0897360000
Ni 11.1875290000   13.6358970000    6.0897090000
Ni  9.9444560000   15.7889640000    6.0897090000
Ni  8.7013830000   16.5066140000    8.1196120000
Ni 12.4305700000   18.6596610000    8.1196390000
Ni 11.1875290000   16.5066140000    8.1196120000
Ni  9.9444560000   18.6596810000    8.1196120000
Ni  8.7013830000   19.3773310000   10.1495150000
Ni 12.4305700000   21.5303780000   10.1495420000
Ni 11.1875290000   19.3773310000   10.1495150000
Ni  9.9444560000   21.5303980000   10.1495150000
K_POINTS automatic
  3 3 1   0 0 0
 +9.9444560978  +0.0000000000  +0.0000000000
 +4.9722280490  +8.6121516076  +0.0000000000
 -0.0000000000  +17.2243032150 +32.1794197754
     Program PWSCF v.5.1 starts on 26Jul2016 at 11: 0: 9 

     This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
     for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
         "P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
          URL http://www.quantum-espresso.org";, 
     in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details at

     Parallel version (MPI), running on    60 processors
     K-points division:     npool     =       3
     R & G space division:  proc/nbgrp/npool/nimage =      20
     Reading input from ni-111-2x2-perfect.in
     Message from routine read_cards :
     DEPRECATED: no units specified in CELL_PARAMETERS card

     Current dimensions of program PWSCF are:
     Max number of different atomic species (ntypx) = 10
     Max number of k-points (npk) =  40000
     Max angular momentum in pseudopotentials (lmaxx) =  3
               file Ni.revpbe-n-rrkjus.UPF: wavefunction(s)  3D renormalized

     Parameters for Dispersion Correction:
       atom      VdW radius       C_6     

        Ni         2.952        374.666

     Subspace diagonalization in iterative solution of the eigenvalue problem:
     scalapack distributed-memory algorithm (size of sub-group:  3*  3 procs)

     Found symmetry operation: I + (  0.2500  0.2500  0.0000)
     This is a supercell, fractional translations are disabled
     warning: symmetry operation #  2 not compatible with FFT grid. 
  -1   0   0
   0  -1   0
   2  -4   1
     warning: symmetry operation #  3 not compatible with FFT grid. 
  -1   0   0
  -1   1   0
  -2   4  -1
     warning: symmetry operation #  5 not compatible with FFT grid. 
   0   1   0
  -1   1   0
  -1  -1   1
     warning: symmetry operation #  6 not compatible with FFT grid. 
   1  -1   0
   1   0   0
   2  -1   1
     warning: symmetry operation #  7 not compatible with FFT grid. 
  -1   1   0
  -1   0   0
   0  -3   1
     warning: symmetry operation #  8 not compatible with FFT grid. 
   0  -1   0
   1  -1   0
   3  -3   1
     warning: symmetry operation #  9 not compatible with FFT grid. 
   1  -1   0
   0  -1   0
  -2   1  -1
     warning: symmetry operation # 10 not compatible with FFT grid. 
   0   1   0
   1   0   0
   1   1  -1
     warning: symmetry operation # 11 not compatible with FFT grid. 
   0  -1   0
  -1   0   0
  -3   3  -1
     warning: symmetry operation # 12 not compatible with FFT grid. 
  -1   1   0
   0   1   0
   0   3  -1
     warning: symmetry operation # 14 not compatible with FFT grid. 
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
  -2   4  -1
     warning: symmetry operation # 15 not compatible with FFT grid. 
   1   0   0
   1  -1   0
   2  -4   1
     warning: symmetry operation # 17 not compatible with FFT grid. 
   0  -1   0
   1  -1   0
   1   1  -1
     warning: symmetry operation # 18 not compatible with FFT grid. 
  -1   1   0
  -1   0   0
  -2   1  -1
     warning: symmetry operation # 19 not compatible with FFT grid. 
   1  -1   0
   1   0   0
   0   3  -1
     warning: symmetry operation # 20 not compatible with FFT grid. 
   0   1   0
  -1   1   0
  -3   3  -1
     warning: symmetry operation # 21 not compatible with FFT grid. 
  -1   1   0
   0   1   0
   2  -1   1
     warning: symmetry operation # 22 not compatible with FFT grid. 
   0  -1   0
  -1   0   0
  -1  -1   1
     warning: symmetry operation # 23 not compatible with FFT grid. 
   0   1   0
   1   0   0
   3  -3   1
     warning: symmetry operation # 24 not compatible with FFT grid. 
   1  -1   0
   0  -1   0
   0  -3   1
     Parallelization info
     sticks:   dense  smooth     PW     G-vecs:    dense   smooth      PW
     Min         424     171     46               102786    25999    3670
     Max         426     172     47               102795    26044    3683
     Sum        8491    3427    925              2055825   520339   73535
     Generating pointlists ...
     new r_m :   0.4125 (alat units)  0.7795 (a.u.) for type    1


     bravais-lattice index     =            0
     lattice parameter (alat)  =       1.8897  a.u.
     unit-cell volume          =   18598.0477 (a.u.)^3
     number of atoms/cell      =           96
     number of atomic types    =            1
     number of electrons       =       960.00
     number of Kohn-Sham states=          500
     kinetic-energy cutoff     =      35.0000  Ry
     charge density cutoff     =     350.0000  Ry
     convergence threshold     =      1.0E-06
     mixing beta               =       0.1000
     number of iterations used =            8  plain     mixing
     Exchange-correlation      = REVPBE ( 1  4  4  4 0)
     nstep                     =           50

     celldm(1)=   1.889726  celldm(2)=   0.000000  celldm(3)=   0.000000
     celldm(4)=   0.000000  celldm(5)=   0.000000  celldm(6)=   0.000000

     crystal axes: (cart. coord. in units of alat)
               a(1) = (   9.944456   0.000000   0.000000 )  
               a(2) = (   4.972228   8.612152   0.000000 )  
               a(3) = (   0.000000  17.224303  32.179420 )  

     reciprocal axes: (cart. coord. in units 2 pi/alat)
               b(1) = (  0.100559 -0.058058  0.031076 )  
               b(2) = (  0.000000  0.116115 -0.062152 )  
               b(3) = (  0.000000  0.000000  0.031076 )  

     PseudoPot. # 1 for Ni read from file:
     MD5 check sum: 38152279f6773807caa24b4d46840233
     Pseudo is Ultrasoft + core correction, Zval = 10.0
     Generated using "atomic" code by A. Dal Corso  (Quantum ESPRESSO 
     Using radial grid of 1195 points,  6 beta functions with: 
                l(1) =   0
                l(2) =   0
                l(3) =   1
                l(4) =   1
                l(5) =   2
                l(6) =   2
     Q(r) pseudized with 0 coefficients 

     atomic species   valence    mass     pseudopotential
        Ni            10.00    58.69340     Ni( 1.00)

     Starting magnetic structure 
     atomic species   magnetization
        Ni           0.500

      2 Sym. Ops. (no inversion) found

   Cartesian axes

     site n.     atom                  positions (alat units)
         1           Ni  tau(   1) = (   1.2430410   0.7176700   0.0000000  )
         2           Ni  tau(   2) = (   4.9722280   2.8707170   0.0000270  )
         3           Ni  tau(   3) = (   3.7291870   0.7176700   0.0000000  )
         4           Ni  tau(   4) = (   2.4861140   2.8707370   0.0000000  )
         5           Ni  tau(   5) = (   1.2430410   3.5883870   2.0299030  )
         6           Ni  tau(   6) = (   4.9722280   5.7414340   2.0299300  )
         7           Ni  tau(   7) = (   3.7291870   3.5883870   2.0299030  )
         8           Ni  tau(   8) = (   2.4861140   5.7414540   2.0299030  )
         9           Ni  tau(   9) = (   1.2430410   6.4591040   4.0598060  )
        10           Ni  tau(  10) = (   4.9722280   8.6121510   4.0598330  )
        11           Ni  tau(  11) = (   3.7291870   6.4591040   4.0598060  )
        12           Ni  tau(  12) = (   2.4861140   8.6121710   4.0598060  )
        13           Ni  tau(  13) = (   1.2430410   9.3298210   6.0897090  )
        14           Ni  tau(  14) = (   4.9722280  11.4828680   6.0897360  )
        15           Ni  tau(  15) = (   3.7291870   9.3298210   6.0897090  )
        16           Ni  tau(  16) = (   2.4861140  11.4828880   6.0897090  )
        17           Ni  tau(  17) = (   1.2430410  12.2005380   8.1196120  )
        18           Ni  tau(  18) = (   4.9722280  14.3535850   8.1196390  )
        19           Ni  tau(  19) = (   3.7291870  12.2005380   8.1196120  )
        20           Ni  tau(  20) = (   2.4861140  14.3536050   8.1196120  )
        21           Ni  tau(  21) = (   1.2430410  15.0712550  10.1495150  )
        22           Ni  tau(  22) = (   4.9722280  17.2243020  10.1495420  )
        23           Ni  tau(  23) = (   3.7291870  15.0712550  10.1495150  )
        24           Ni  tau(  24) = (   2.4861140  17.2243220  10.1495150  )
        25           Ni  tau(  25) = (   3.7291550   5.0237460   0.0000000  )
        26           Ni  tau(  26) = (   7.4583420   7.1767930   0.0000270  )
        27           Ni  tau(  27) = (   6.2153010   5.0237460   0.0000000  )
        28           Ni  tau(  28) = (   4.9722280   7.1768130   0.0000000  )
        29           Ni  tau(  29) = (   3.7291550   7.8944630   2.0299030  )
        30           Ni  tau(  30) = (   7.4583420  10.0475100   2.0299300  )
        31           Ni  tau(  31) = (   6.2153010   7.8944630   2.0299030  )
        32           Ni  tau(  32) = (   4.9722280  10.0475300   2.0299030  )
        33           Ni  tau(  33) = (   3.7291550  10.7651800   4.0598060  )
        34           Ni  tau(  34) = (   7.4583420  12.9182270   4.0598330  )
        35           Ni  tau(  35) = (   6.2153010  10.7651800   4.0598060  )
        36           Ni  tau(  36) = (   4.9722280  12.9182470   4.0598060  )
        37           Ni  tau(  37) = (   3.7291550  13.6358970   6.0897090  )
        38           Ni  tau(  38) = (   7.4583420  15.7889440   6.0897360  )
        39           Ni  tau(  39) = (   6.2153010  13.6358970   6.0897090  )
        40           Ni  tau(  40) = (   4.9722280  15.7889640   6.0897090  )
        41           Ni  tau(  41) = (   3.7291550  16.5066140   8.1196120  )
        42           Ni  tau(  42) = (   7.4583420  18.6596610   8.1196390  )
        43           Ni  tau(  43) = (   6.2153010  16.5066140   8.1196120  )
        44           Ni  tau(  44) = (   4.9722280  18.6596810   8.1196120  )
        45           Ni  tau(  45) = (   3.7291550  19.3773310  10.1495150  )
        46           Ni  tau(  46) = (   7.4583420  21.5303780  10.1495420  )
        47           Ni  tau(  47) = (   6.2153010  19.3773310  10.1495150  )
        48           Ni  tau(  48) = (   4.9722280  21.5303980  10.1495150  )
        49           Ni  tau(  49) = (   6.2152690   0.7176700   0.0000000  )
        50           Ni  tau(  50) = (   9.9444560   2.8707170   0.0000270  )
        51           Ni  tau(  51) = (   8.7014150   0.7176700   0.0000000  )
        52           Ni  tau(  52) = (   7.4583420   2.8707370   0.0000000  )
        53           Ni  tau(  53) = (   6.2152690   3.5883870   2.0299030  )
        54           Ni  tau(  54) = (   9.9444560   5.7414340   2.0299300  )
        55           Ni  tau(  55) = (   8.7014150   3.5883870   2.0299030  )
        56           Ni  tau(  56) = (   7.4583420   5.7414540   2.0299030  )
        57           Ni  tau(  57) = (   6.2152690   6.4591040   4.0598060  )
        58           Ni  tau(  58) = (   9.9444560   8.6121510   4.0598330  )
        59           Ni  tau(  59) = (   8.7014150   6.4591040   4.0598060  )
        60           Ni  tau(  60) = (   7.4583420   8.6121710   4.0598060  )
        61           Ni  tau(  61) = (   6.2152690   9.3298210   6.0897090  )
        62           Ni  tau(  62) = (   9.9444560  11.4828680   6.0897360  )
        63           Ni  tau(  63) = (   8.7014150   9.3298210   6.0897090  )
        64           Ni  tau(  64) = (   7.4583420  11.4828880   6.0897090  )
        65           Ni  tau(  65) = (   6.2152690  12.2005380   8.1196120  )
        66           Ni  tau(  66) = (   9.9444560  14.3535850   8.1196390  )
        67           Ni  tau(  67) = (   8.7014150  12.2005380   8.1196120  )
        68           Ni  tau(  68) = (   7.4583420  14.3536050   8.1196120  )
        69           Ni  tau(  69) = (   6.2152690  15.0712550  10.1495150  )
        70           Ni  tau(  70) = (   9.9444560  17.2243020  10.1495420  )
        71           Ni  tau(  71) = (   8.7014150  15.0712550  10.1495150  )
        72           Ni  tau(  72) = (   7.4583420  17.2243220  10.1495150  )
        73           Ni  tau(  73) = (   8.7013830   5.0237460   0.0000000  )
        74           Ni  tau(  74) = (  12.4305700   7.1767930   0.0000270  )
        75           Ni  tau(  75) = (  11.1875290   5.0237460   0.0000000  )
        76           Ni  tau(  76) = (   9.9444560   7.1768130   0.0000000  )
        77           Ni  tau(  77) = (   8.7013830   7.8944630   2.0299030  )
        78           Ni  tau(  78) = (  12.4305700  10.0475100   2.0299300  )
        79           Ni  tau(  79) = (  11.1875290   7.8944630   2.0299030  )
        80           Ni  tau(  80) = (   9.9444560  10.0475300   2.0299030  )
        81           Ni  tau(  81) = (   8.7013830  10.7651800   4.0598060  )
        82           Ni  tau(  82) = (  12.4305700  12.9182270   4.0598330  )
        83           Ni  tau(  83) = (  11.1875290  10.7651800   4.0598060  )
        84           Ni  tau(  84) = (   9.9444560  12.9182470   4.0598060  )
        85           Ni  tau(  85) = (   8.7013830  13.6358970   6.0897090  )
        86           Ni  tau(  86) = (  12.4305700  15.7889440   6.0897360  )
        87           Ni  tau(  87) = (  11.1875290  13.6358970   6.0897090  )
        88           Ni  tau(  88) = (   9.9444560  15.7889640   6.0897090  )
        89           Ni  tau(  89) = (   8.7013830  16.5066140   8.1196120  )
        90           Ni  tau(  90) = (  12.4305700  18.6596610   8.1196390  )
        91           Ni  tau(  91) = (  11.1875290  16.5066140   8.1196120  )
        92           Ni  tau(  92) = (   9.9444560  18.6596810   8.1196120  )
        93           Ni  tau(  93) = (   8.7013830  19.3773310  10.1495150  )
        94           Ni  tau(  94) = (  12.4305700  21.5303780  10.1495420  )
        95           Ni  tau(  95) = (  11.1875290  19.3773310  10.1495150  )
        96           Ni  tau(  96) = (   9.9444560  21.5303980  10.1495150  )

     number of k points=    12  gaussian smearing, width (Ry)=  0.0100
                       cart. coord. in units 2pi/alat
        k(    1) = (   0.0000000   0.0000000   0.0000000), wk =   0.1111111
        k(    2) = (   0.0000000   0.0387050  -0.0207172), wk =   0.1111111
        k(    3) = (   0.0335195  -0.0580575   0.0310758), wk =   0.2222222
        k(    4) = (   0.0000000   0.0387050   0.0207172), wk =   0.1111111
        k(    5) = (  -0.0335195   0.0193525  -0.0207172), wk =   0.2222222
        k(    6) = (  -0.0335195  -0.0193525  -0.0207172), wk =   0.2222222
        k(    7) = (   0.0000000   0.0000000   0.0000000), wk =   0.1111111
        k(    8) = (   0.0000000   0.0387050  -0.0207172), wk =   0.1111111
        k(    9) = (   0.0335195  -0.0580575   0.0310758), wk =   0.2222222
        k(   10) = (   0.0000000   0.0387050   0.0207172), wk =   0.1111111
        k(   11) = (  -0.0335195   0.0193525  -0.0207172), wk =   0.2222222
        k(   12) = (  -0.0335195  -0.0193525  -0.0207172), wk =   0.2222222

     Dense  grid:  2055825 G-vectors     FFT dimensions: ( 120, 120, 432)

     Smooth grid:   520339 G-vectors     FFT dimensions: (  72,  72, 270)

     Largest allocated arrays     est. size (Mb)     dimensions
        Kohn-Sham Wavefunctions        25.25 Mb     (    3309,  500)
        NL pseudopotentials            87.25 Mb     (    3309, 1728)
        Each V/rho on FFT grid          9.67 Mb     (  316800,   2)
        Each G-vector array             0.78 Mb     (  102795)
        G-vector shells                 0.31 Mb     (   41141)
     Largest temporary arrays     est. size (Mb)     dimensions
        Auxiliary wavefunctions       100.98 Mb     (    3309, 2000)
        Each subspace H/S matrix        6.77 Mb     (     666,  666)
        Each <psi_i|beta_j> matrix     13.18 Mb     (    1728,  500)
        Arrays for rho mixing          38.67 Mb     (  316800,    8)

     Initial potential from superposition of free atoms
     Check: negative starting charge=(component1):   -0.001957
     Check: negative starting charge=(component2):   -0.000652

     starting charge  959.97238, renormalised to  960.00000

     negative rho (up, down):  1.957E-03 6.522E-04
     Starting wfc are  864 randomized atomic wfcs

     total cpu time spent up to now is      173.0 secs

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...

     Error in routine rgen (3):
     too many r-vectors

     stopping ...
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