Hi, I worked at the same field, to find out which atoms could be doped with
You can use faster codes loke SIESTA to find most stable configurations of
the molecule on the graphene surface, and then use QE for refined calcs

2016-08-09 20:46 GMT+04:00 Rolly Ng <roll...@gmail.com>:

> Dear QE experts,
> I am trying to refine computation of 3-NT adsorption on metal doped
> graphene using QE. This is according to our previous work
> http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2011.07.045
> With the help of Dr. Guido Fratesi, I am exploring molecularpdos.x to
> find the change of HOMO and LUMO of the nitrated tyrosine molecule on
> adsorption to metal-doped graphene.
> There are my questions and answers, your comments are welcome.
> Q1) Spin polarization. The full system contains a metal doped graphene
> with single metallic atom of Au and Ni at the center and a 3-NT molecule
> adsorbed onto the graphene sheet, so I included nspin=2 for the full
> system. But the adsorbate (3-NT) molecule is likely to be nonmagnetic,
> so I did nspin=1 for its gas phase. Can molecularpdos.x cope with
> different nspin for the full system and adsorbate?
> A1) Yes, since nspin=2 can handle a nonmagnetic case
> R1) So, I am adding nspin=2 to the 3-NT molecules
> Q2) K-points. I used smearing for the full system since it is
> semi-metallic. Should I use smearing for the molecule in gas phase? I
> believe this is not a good idea but can molecularpdos.x works with
> k-point and non k-point?
> A2) Smearing: no problem, K-points: should be the same
> R2) So, I am using the same K-points for both full system and single
> molecule.
> Q3) I would like to evaluate the change of the HOMO-LUMO gap of the
> adsorbate (3-NT) on adsorption to the metal-doped graphene. Can
> molecularpdos.x do that?
> A3) Dr. Fratesi and his team used that code also to study
> molecules/graphene...
> http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/srep24603
> R3) Very useful and thank you!
> Q4) I would like to determine if physisorption or chemisorption occurs as
> with DMol3, can molecularpdos.x do the same job? For the physisorption
> vs. chemisorption, the adsorption energy may be a good indicator.
> However, I believe the electronic structure of the bond may also
> indicate which type of adsorption it suppose to be?
> With regards,
> Rolly
> --
> PhD. Research Fellow,
> Dept. of Physics & Materials Science,
> City University of Hong Kong
> Tel: +852 3442 4000
> Fax: +852 3442 0538
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Best wishes,
Maxim Arsent'ev, Ph.D. (Chemistry)
Laboratory of research of nanostructures
Institute of Silicate Chemistry of RAS
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