Hi all,

pw.x halted with this error during an md calculation, just after the first set of new atomic positions was printed.

Curiously, the error is not thrown if I reduce ecutwfc, ecutrho to 60,600 respectively. An otherwise identical input file works perfectly with reduced cutoffs. Increasing ecut results in the error too.

Here is the input file, if you'd like to see:http://pastebin.com/raw/J41Pfrkj <http://pastebin.com/raw/J41Pfrkj>

Here is the error message:

majewski@hadron > tail -n20 md.ecut100.out

     kinetic energy (Ekin) =     0.13110616 Ry
     temperature           =   600.00000000 K
     Ekin + Etot (const)   =  -547.94402322 Ry
     Ions kinetic stress =       5.94 (kbar)
                                 6.05     -1.19     -1.76
                                -1.19      5.94     -1.99
                                -1.76     -1.99      5.84

     Linear momentum :   -0.0000000000    0.0000000000 0.0000000000

     Error in routine checkallsym (1):
     some of the original symmetry operations not satisfied

     stopping ...

*Allen Majewski*
http://www.phys.ufl.edu <http://www.phys.ufl.edu/%7Emajewski>
Department of Physics
University of Florida, NPB B164

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