Dear all,

I would like to ask a question regarding the method to interpolate q-mesh as 
described in
arXiv:cond-mat/0504077 as implemented in Quantum espresso. To obtain an 
accurate result we should study the convergence of \lambda as a function of 
k-mesh and q-mesh. In that paper, the phonon linewidth convergence (Fig.9) is 
tested with different k-mesh, the authors interpolated for ex. from 16x16x16 to 
64x64x64, practically this is done using "nk1, nk2.nk3" in ph.x input, is that 
Then the electron-phonon coupling \lambda is interpolated into denser grid 
q-mesh 8->20 (Fig. 10), could you please guide me how to do this interpolation 
with quantum espresso?

Rakesh Parayil
PhD student,
Department of Physics,
National Central University
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