Dear Balabi

We were trying to avoid redundancy not writing twice the same information and to avoid, as much as possible, the use of pw jargon in the names of the tags. Celldm values can be easily recovered anyhow.

The <atomic_structure> element of the input section contains an attribute bravais_index whose value is equal to ibrav given in input ( in case one sets ibrav = 0 , the attribute will not be written ).

If you need the celldm parameters you can derive them from this bravais_index attribute and taking from the <cell> section of <atomic_structure> the vectors <a1>, <a2> and <a3>. With these data you can derive the celldm values using the subroutine lat2celldm which is inside the Modules/latgen.f90 file.

Together with the next stable release there will be more tools for browsing the xml file in fortran and python, which I hope will make coping with this new data format a little bit easier for everybody.

Pietro  b

On 28/07/2017 03:55, balabi wrote:
Dear Paolo,
    Thank you very much for your explanation.
I rewrite my postprocessing code. But I found one thing that is missing, the 6 celldm numbers. In the old format, celldm is under tag "CELL_DIMENSIONS", but I can not find it in new xml format. Though I can parse celldm from file, it would be convenient that it is recorded directly in xml file.

best regards!

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