Dear Robert,

There are many ways to define a lattice in input files. So I give you a general 
expression of the unit cell in matrix form:
2a    0           0
 0    2a          0
 0     0    10+4a+10

Please remember that, as shown in the diagram on 
(, L is 
the length of the unit cell along z-axis. Thus L=10 + 4a + 10 is correct.

Best regards,
Minoru Otani
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Research Centre for Computational Design of Advanced Functional Materials
email :
tel : +81-29-861-5202
fax : +81-29-861-3171

> On Jul 29, 2017, at 0:20, Dr. Robert Molt Jr. 
> <> wrote:
> Good afternoon,
> I do not understand how the lattice constant is defined in an ESM 
> calculation of a slab.
> Let's say I have a 2x2x4 slab, and wish to simulate a vacuum on either 
> side of it. Let us say the unit cells are simple cubic, such that the 
> height is "a". For a 10 Angstrom vacuum, I assume L/2=10, pursuant to 
> the diagram on 
> ( 
> If I do
> assume_isolated=esm
> esm_bc=bc1
> Is the lattice constant for this situation defined as
> celldm(1)= L/2 + 4a + L/2
> ?
> Dr. Robert Molt
> Indiana University Perdue University
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