
I found the same error. Which in my opinion is surprising, since the full error reads

exx_go.f90(21): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file.  Check INCLUDE paths.   [PARALLEL_INCLUDE]
  USE fft_base,               ONLY : dfftp,dffts

and my compilation of exx_go.f90, where the error occurs, is according to the instruction (invoked by make)

mpiifort -O2    .... -nomodule    ...    -D__FFTW3  -D__MPI    ... -I../../Modules    ...    -c exx_go.f90

and, if I give the order     ls ../../Modules/fft_base*    from the directory containing  file exx_go.f90  , the result is

../../Modules/fft_base.f90 ../../Modules/fft_base.o  ../../Modules/fft_base.mod

I do not understand thus why the fft_base.mod module (which does contain the dfftp and dffts types) is not found, since -I../../Modules is included in the call to mpiifort.

¿Any help?

José C. Conesa

El 28/12/2017 a las 9:17, Paolo Giannozzi escribió:
Hi Eduardo

West uses a lot of code from QE, but it is not distributed together with QE, so any change in the latter may break the former I don't know which version is compatible with which: please inquire with the authors of West, or try previous versions of QE until you find one that works


On Wed, Dec 27, 2017 at 2:25 PM, Eduardo Menendez <earie...@gmail.com <mailto:earie...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I have got an error compiling WEST within qe-6.2.1
    May be this be caused by using a two years-old compiler
    (Intel2015), or due to use   -D__DFTI  instead of -D_FFTW3 ?

    exx_go.f90(21): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module
    file.  Check INCLUDE paths. [PARALLEL_INCLUDE]
    ... and a lot of subsequent errors.

    I had no problem making pwall, cp, gwl

    Thank you ,

    Eduardo Menendez Proupin

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Paolo Giannozzi, Dip. Scienze Matematiche Informatiche e Fisiche,
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Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222

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