
GGA is certainly inadequate to sytudy this system. My recommendation would be to carry out a hybrid functional calculation, e.g. with HSE. This cell has not too may atoms, it should be feasible. Use at least a 4x4x4 Brillouin zone sampling. Displacing Fe from the symmetry position is of course necessary, then the structure should be relaxed. And a spin-polarized calculation will be necessary as well. I find likely that the system will have in the end a low spin configuration, with all Fe(3d) electrons filling the t(2g) manifold which would be well separated from the e(g) manifold, therefore having a clear nonmetallic behaviour.

Good luck,

JC Conesa

El 04/03/2018 a las 9:51, Pietro Delugas escribió:
If the band is flat or almost flat maybe one could try to use LDA+U, ( or some hybrid functional with exact exchange if the cell size is  feasible ) displace Fe a little if it is in a  too symmetric position, relax and see if it is possible to split Fe impurity levels. If so one can  compute Fe Born Charges by finite differences.

Il 04 mar 2018 9:27 AM, Paolo Giannozzi <p.gianno...@gmail.com> ha scritto:

    The problem is that the true system is not metallic, but in a band
    picture it is, even for a supercell of 1m side. Maybe one might
    compute phonons as for a metal, then use dielectirc constant and
    effective charges of the insulating host crystal. Not sure what
    one can use for the effective charges of Fe, though.


    On Sun, Mar 4, 2018 at 8:39 AM, Pietro Delugas <pdelu...@sissa.it
    <mailto:pdelu...@sissa.it>> wrote:

        Hello Chris

        If the system is metallic, no matter how bad a conductor it
        can be, in a finite time it will be able to screen any
        constant electric field. This  is as to say that the static
        dielectric constant is infinite.

        Regards Pietro

        Il 04 mar 2018 8:03 AM, Christoph Wolf
        <wolf.christoph@qns.science> ha scritto:

            Dear all,

            I have a fairly general question and I hope I can pick
            someone's brain:

            If an insulator or semiconductor is doped with a metal
            narrow bands determined by the crystal field emerge and
            often the fermi level lies within one of the bands, i.e.
            the "bands cut the fermi level", which is often called a
            characteristic of a conductor but in the bigger picture no
            electrons would be able to cross from the VB to the CB,
            i.e. the host system is an insulator.

            When attempting to calculate the phonons of a Mg7O8Fe
            supercell the  dieletric constant (in the case of pure MgO
            eps~3.1) cannot be computed

                 Electric Fields Calculation
                 ik   1 ibnd   0 linter: root not converged 2.635E-07

                 End of electric fields calculation

                      Dielectric constant in cartesian axis

            (******************  0.000244141      -0.001708984 )
                      ( -0.000244141******************      0.000244141 )
                      ( -0.000732422  0.000732422****************** )

            And I am wondering if that system should be treated as a
            metal instead (epsil    = .false.,) during the phonon run?

              prefix   = 'MgO',
              epsil    = .true.,
              alpha_mix(1) =0.4
              alpha_mix(2) =0.4
              fildyn   = 'MgO.dyn',
              ldisp    = .true.
              fildvscf = 'dvscf'
              amass(1) = 24.30500
              amass(2) = 15.99900
              amass(3) = 55.84500
              tr2_ph   =  1.0d-12,

            Any hint is welcome!

            Thanks in advance for your help and a nice Sunday everyone!

-- Postdoctoral Researcher
            Center for Quantum Nanoscience, Institute for Basic Science
            Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea

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-- Paolo Giannozzi, Dip. Scienze Matematiche Informatiche e Fisiche,
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