Dear Christoph,

which version of QE are you using? Was it compiled with the old XML format or the new one? The new XML format had a bug in the way the input related to the dipole correction was saved.
This was solved about a month ago:

see also the related issue (closed)

Maybe your problem is due to this. If you use 6.2.1 either download the develop branch or
compile using the old XML implementation.



On 18.05.2018 12:50, Christoph Wolf wrote:
Dear all,

I am (again...) fighting with the dipole correction. I have a system consisting of Ag and MgO centered in the cell around z=0.5

Ag       0.000000000   0.000000000   0.323271580
Ag       0.000000000   0.500000000   0.385512833
Mg      -0.000000000   0.000000000   0.721978968
O        0.500000000   0.000000000   0.723372273
O       -0.000000000   0.500000000   0.723371161
Mg       0.500000000   0.500000000   0.721975961

Then I apply tefield and dipfield with

  eamp        = 0.00
  edir        = 3
  emaxpos     = 0.95
  eopreg      = 0.10

which means my system has no discontinuity anywhere in the slab and the field is "physical" between 0.95+0.1-1=0.05 and 0.95 of the z direction.

The SCF cycle converges but the pot_num=11 never becomes horizontal, rather it has a very small slope. I tried to increase the dipole length to see if that makes a difference but apparently it does not help either. With above input the potential amplitude at scf convergence is

     Adding external electric field

     Computed dipole along edir(3) :
        Elec. dipole          0.4894 Ry au,          1.2440 Debye
        Ion. dipole           0.4902 Ry au,          1.2460 Debye
        Dipole                0.2274 Ry au,          0.5779 Debye
        Dipole field          0.0008 Ry au,

        Potential amp.       -0.0855 Ry
        Total length         55.5874 bohr

Is there a scenario where the dipole correction could fail if the potential is "almost flat" in the vacuum region? If I run the same with VASP I get a small "jump" in the potential making it flat in the vacuum region, so I was wondering why this does not happen (probably different approach in PWSCF)?

Input and resulting potential is attached - any help is welcome!

Thanks in advance and with best wishes,
Postdoctoral Researcher
Center for Quantum Nanoscience, Institute for Basic Science
Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea

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