Dear QE users & developers

I am facing a a problem when trying to perform magneto-crrystalline anisotropy 
calculation using the Force-Theorem implementation of QE (as explained in the 
Force Theorem example).
I first perform the scf calculation (scalar relativistic pseudo) that runs 
smoothly. The problem arises in the nscf calculation (relativistic pseudo) 
starting from the previous scf scalar relativistic charge-density.dat.

The calculation very often fails due to problem in computing cholesky.
This occurs in a rather erratic way depending on tiny changes in the input 
parameters or even on the number of nodes on the which the calculation is 
performed. I have tried changing the diagonalization technique (cg or david), 
increasing the diago_thr_init, other relativistic pseudo etc...But I could not 
find a reliable solution that systematically solves the problem.

I have another question related to the restarting nscf from previous scf scalar 
In the new version of qe (6.2.1) I got a warning message: "some spin components 
not found".
Should I worry about this message?


Cyrille Barreteau
CEA Saclay, IRAMIS, SPEC Bat. 771
91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, FRANCE
+33 1 69 08 38 56 /+33  6 47 53 66 52  (mobile)
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