symmetry detection?    We did put nosym=.true. but the code seems to have set invsym=.true. anyway.

I see what you mean,
with the exact same input version 6.3 set the variable invsym, from symm_base to false, while the current version sets it to true.

This breaks start_therm because the only possible initial velocities that respect the constraint in this case are all zero.

The bug is that version 6.3 sets invsym AFTER enforcing nosym=.true., while git version sets invsym BEFORE enforcing nosym=.true., the subroutine find_sym is identical

The change seems to have occurred in commit 23fb73f9b7 inside PW/src/setup.f90 I'll let Paolo Giannozzi have a look before going deeper, as I do not immediately understand what has changed, I think it has something to do with nrot_ vs. nrot, as the former is 1 but the latter is 48 before the call to find_sym in setup.f90 line 513, but find_sym internally uses nrot.


Perhaps it is intended that users should
move atoms off of their symmetry positions before running MD simulations?       Thanks for your advice about this.    Natalie

N. A. W. Holzwarth                                       email: <> Department of Physics                                  web: Wake Forest University                                 phone: 1-336-758-5510 Winston-Salem, NC 27109 USA                     office: Rm. 300 Olin Physical Lab

On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 6:29 PM Holzwarth, Natalie < <>> wrote:

    Dear Quantum Espresso developers,
            Hopefully this might be something that is easy to track down
    but I cannot figure it out.   We noticed that we cannot set the
    initial temperature in our md simulations in QE 6.4.1  (or 6.4) in
    the same way that works fine in QE 6.3.   For example, in a simple
test , the comparison between the results for " grep temperature *out"   is:
                       QE   6.3                                QE 6.4.1
     temperature    =  1800.00000000 K       temperature    =  0.00000000 K      temperature    =  1798.79298998 K       temperature    =  0.00000000 K      temperature    =  1795.18924725 K       temperature    =  0.00000001 K      temperature    =  1789.20477087 K       temperature    =  0.00000002 K      temperature    =  1780.85173941 K       temperature    =  0.00000048 K      temperature    =  1770.15802096 K       temperature    =  0.00000014 K      temperature    =  1757.15885289 K       temperature    =  0.00000032 K      temperature    =  1741.89911601 K       temperature    =  0.00000575 K      temperature    =  1724.42918183 K       temperature    =  0.00001204 K      temperature    =  1704.80836203 K       temperature    =  0.00001108 K      temperature    =  1683.10589232 K       temperature    =  0.00000872 K
    The sample input file is pasted below.   The only difference between
    the runs is the version of QE.
       Thanks in advance for your suggestions.    Sincerely, Natalie
    -------------------sample input file for md
    #SBATCH --nodes=1
    #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8
    #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
    #SBATCH --account="natalieGrp"
    #SBATCH --output="JOB-%j.o"
    #SBATCH --error="JOB-%j.e"
    #SBATCH <>
    #SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL
    #SBATCH --job-name="NaCl"
    #SBATCH --time=0-10:00:00
    #SBATCH --mem=24gb
    #SBATCH --partition=small
    umask 002
    # Note: SLURM has no batch input for cputime, excluding.
    source /etc/profile.d/modules.csh
    module purge
    module load rhel7/openmpi/3.1.1-intel-2018
    echo 'hostname' `/bin/hostname`
    echo 'job directory' `pwd`
    setenv TMPDIR /scratch/$SLURM_JOBID
    echo 'Reset TMPDIR for this job to ' $TMPDIR

    set PW=/home/natalie/EL7/publiccode/QE/qe-6.4.1/bin/pw.x

    #NOTE:SLURM defaults to running jobs in the directory where submitted;
    #NOTE:Consider --workdir directive instead; and check functionality!

    cat > << EOF

       calculation = "md",
       pseudo_dir  =
       verbosity   = "high",
       outdir      = "$TMPDIR/",
       prefix      = "conv",
       restart_mode = 'from_scratch',
       nstep = 30,
       dt = 20,
       forc_conv_thr = 1.0D-5,
       etot_conv_thr = 1.0D-6,
       tstress = .true.,
       tprnfor = .true.,
       ibrav       = 1,
       nat         = 8,
       ntyp        = 2,
       nosym       =.TRUE.,
       ecutwfc     = 64.D0,
       use_all_frac = .TRUE.,
       occupations = "smearing",
       smearing    = "gaussian",
       degauss     = 0.001D0,
       conv_thr    = 1.D-8,
       electron_maxstep = 200,
      ion_dynamics = 'verlet',
      ion_temperature = 'initial',
      tempw = 1800.d0,
      pot_extrapolation = 'second-order',
      wfc_extrapolation = 'second-order',
       wmass = 1.0,
       press = 0.0,
    Na  22.989769  Na.LDA-PW-paw.UPF
    Cl  35.45   Cl.LDA-PW-paw.UPF
    ATOMIC_POSITIONS {crystal}
    Na       0.000000000  0.000000000  0.000000000
    Na       0.500000000  0.500000000  0.000000000
    Na       0.000000000  0.500000000  0.500000000
    Na       0.500000000  0.000000000  0.500000000
    Cl       0.500000000  0.500000000  0.500000000
    Cl       0.000000000  0.000000000  0.500000000
    Cl       0.500000000  0.000000000  0.000000000
    Cl       0.000000000  0.500000000  0.000000000
    2 2 2 1 1 1

    mpirun $PW  -in  >  NaCl.out


    N. A. W. Holzwarth                                       email:
    natalie@ <>
    Department of Physics                                  web:
    Wake Forest University                                 phone:
    Winston-Salem, NC 27109 USA                     office: Rm. 300 Olin
    Physical Lab

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Lorenzo Paulatto - Paris
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