Hi Chris,

I have been using XCrySDen for years now and I find it very convenient for most cases but sometimes I would like to just render a bunch of xsf files (molecular orbitals) by orienting the cell in a way, setting an Isovalue and then writing out raster images.

You can save a specific orientation by using the "Save Current State and Structure" option, this will create and *xcrysden file with the all the state information; other *xsf files can then be opened in this state by specifying them the STRUCTURE-PART of the file. Delete everything between set xsfStructure {} and in the specify the name of your xsf file in

::scripting::open --xsf your-xsf-file.xsf

in order to change this line automatically a simple shell script should do the trick.

There is a new version of xcrysden in preparation in which this will be even simpler and everything will be done via the command line:

xcrysden --xsf your-xsf-file.xsf --script your-state.xcrysden --print output.png

Ideally this can be done remotely (because the xsf files are large and opening them remotely is a hassle) and without display. I do not see how xcrysden can be used to do that, is there any better tool out there?

This will remain an issue however, because xcrysden still requires a window to print the structure. I guess you could run it on a cluster with X-forwarding and take a (coffee) break while the structures are being printed.

I hope this helps in any way,

Best Regards,


Matic Poberznik
J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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