How to interface quantum espresso and wannier90?

> Send users mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of users digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: users Digest, Vol 148, Issue 3 (Hussain Ali)
>    2. Re: DFT + U not working on Sn 4d (Matteo Cococcioni)
>    3. ERROR(FoX), Cannot open file (Ben Comer)
>    4. Re: ERROR(FoX), Cannot open file (Pietro Davide Delugas)
>    5. Re: users Digest, Vol 148, Issue 3 (Pietro Davide Delugas)
>    6. Re: ERROR(FoX), Cannot open file (Ben Comer)
>    7. Re: ERROR(FoX), Cannot open file (Paolo Giannozzi)
>    8. Re: Fw: Problem with SOC (David Kostov)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2019 17:53:55 +0500
> From: Hussain Ali <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: [QE-users] users Digest, Vol 148, Issue 3
> Message-ID:
>       <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> subject: problem in cppp.x executable
> <>
> Dear QE Developers,
> I am getting an error while post processing using cppp.x
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>      Error in routine  cppp (1):
>       Cannot open file ./tmp//
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> Hussain
> MS student
> QAU, Islamabad Pakistan.
> On Mon, Nov 4, 2019 at 4:01 PM <>
> wrote:
>> Send users mailing list submissions to
>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>> than "Re: Contents of users digest..."
>> Today's Topics:
>>    1. relation between Hubbard-U and core charge? (Malte Sachs)
>>    2. Re: DFT + U not working on Sn 4d (Ari P Seitsonen)
>>    3. Re: Error in interploation of IFCs by matdyn.x (Lorenzo Paulatto)
>>    4. Plotting a 3D band plot using Quantum Espresso (Vasilios Passias)
>>    5. Re: How to plot phonon band structure with LO-TO  splitting
>>       (Lorenzo Paulatto)
>>    6. compiling GPU enabled version of QE:
>>       q-e-gpu-qe-gpu-6.4.1a1.tar.gz (Mohammad Moaddeli)
>>    7. Re: How to plot phonon band structure with LO-TO  splitting
>>       (Dr. K. C. Bhamu)
>>    8. Re: How to plot phonon band structure with LO-TO  splitting
>>       (Lorenzo Paulatto)
>>    9. Re: How to plot phonon band structure with LO-TO  splitting
>>       (Dr. K. C. Bhamu)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2019 14:59:47 +0100
>> From: Malte Sachs <>
>> To: Quantum Espresso users Forum <>
>> Subject: [QE-users] relation between Hubbard-U and core charge?
>> Message-ID:
>>         <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
>> Dear DFT+U experts,
>> I am testing the hp.x code of the QE 6.4.1 version by calculating the
>> Hubbard-U of simple binary actinides compounds in a "self-consistent"?
>> way. Within the same crystal structure and the same counter ions I find
>> a perfect linear dependency of the U on the core charge Z of the
>> actinide ions. I am a little bit surprised about this result. However, I
>> am not sure if this is surprising at all. I would thankful for any help
>> or hints regarding this issue.
>> Best regards,
>> Malte Sachs
>> --
>> Malte Sachs
>> Anorganische Chemie, Fluorchemie
>> Philipps-Universit?t Marburg
>> Hans-Meerwein-Stra?e 4
>> 35032 Marburg (Paketpost: 35043 Marburg)
>> Tel.: +49 (0)6421 28 - 25 68 0
>> -------------- next part --------------
>> A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
>> Name: smime.p7s
>> Type: application/pkcs7-signature
>> Size: 5418 bytes
>> Desc: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
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>> >
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2019 15:56:34 +0100 (CET)
>> From: Ari P Seitsonen <>
>> To: Quantum ESPRESSO users Forum <>
>> Subject: Re: [QE-users] DFT + U not working on Sn 4d
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
>> Dear ?, (please read the instructions about posting to this Forum,
>> signing
>>           and affiliation)
>>    Does your pseudo potential or PAW data set include the d orbital in
>> the
>> valence of the atomic species? If yes, did you check in the file
>> 'Modules/set_hubbard_l.f90' that the l for the element in question is
>> set?
>> At least in version 6.4 of QE I did not find 'Sn'. If needed, please
>> modify the file, recompile and try again.
>>    Well, I am just guessing...
>>      Greetings,
>>         apsi
>> -=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-
>>    Ari Paavo Seitsonen / /
>>      Ecole Normale Sup?rieure (ENS), D?partement de Chimie, Paris
>>      Mobile (F) : +33 789 37 24 25    (CH) : +41 79 71 90 935
>> On Sat, 2 Nov 2019, ?? ??? wrote:
>> >
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > As indicated in the literature (for example
>> people apply a Hubbard potential around 8
>> > or 9 eV to correct the band gap of pure SnS2 from around 1.3 eV with
>> only GGA to around 2 eV after applying U.
>> >
>> > Knowing that Sn d orbital is closed shell orbital (d10), I applied U
>> of
>> 9 eV but band gap is not changing unlike what is reported in the
>> literature, is it
>> > because it is closed shell, if so why it worked for other people ?
>> >
>> > I'm attaching the result of the calculation with and without U, and
>> the
>> density of states for both which look the same.
>> >
>> > Best
>> >
>> > [mdnform?OpenForm&
>> >
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 3
>> Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2019 16:17:48 +0100
>> From: Lorenzo Paulatto <>
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [QE-users] Error in interploation of IFCs by matdyn.x
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=gbk; format=flowed
>> It could be a problem in the conversion script, I only tested it on the
>> examples that I used it for. If you send me the data required to
>> reproduce your calculation I can have a look
>> cheers
>> On 11/1/19 5:36 AM, Hao Gao wrote:
>> > Dear all,
>> >
>> > l am working on calculating anharmonic superconducting Tc. I have
>> > obtained anharmonic 2nd-order IFCs in phonopy's format. Then I use
>> > in d3q to convert phonopy's IFC to QE format and
>> > phonon dispersions can be calculated by matdyn.x in QE. For 2x2x2
>> > supercell, the dispersions calculated by phonopy and matdyn.x are
>> same.
>> > However, for 3x3x3 supercell, there are lager imaginary modes after
>> > matdyn.x's interpolation while the phononpy's results are OK. How to
>> > solve the issue?
>> >
>> > I have attached the phonon dispersions.
>> >
>> > Sincerely,
>> > Hao Gao
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > _______________________________________________
>> > Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX
>> (
>> )
>> > users mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> Lorenzo Paulatto - Paris
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 4
>> Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2019 20:52:47 -0600
>> From: Vasilios Passias <>
>> To:
>> Subject: [QE-users] Plotting a 3D band plot using Quantum Espresso
>> Message-ID:
>>         <CA+BV=ck=ZVAtDiuoR+JahGr4sRE5XpMXszUQ+8Ecn=
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Hello everyone.
>> I want to plot a 3D band structure, by which I mean I want to plot the
>> Energy vs (kx,ky), using Quantum Espresso.  I have the following band
>> calculation and band post-processing input files attached in this
>> message.
>> Everything works fine when I run these two files.  As expected I get a
>> file
>> for each band (302 in total).
>> After merging all of these files into a single
>> file, Na3Bi_100_nlayer3_vac8A.bands.dat, I try to run plotband.x with
>> this
>> file there's an error: (STOP Error reading file header).  I believe that
>> this file does not have the right format to be used in plotband.x.
>> Is there a standard way to obtain a 3D plot band using these input
>> files?
>> -------------- next part --------------
>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
>> URL: <
>> >
>> -------------- next part --------------
>>  calculation = 'bands',
>>  restart_mode = 'from_scratch',
>>  pseudo_dir = '/home/passias2/qe-6.3/pseudo/'
>>  verbosity = 'high',
>> /
>>  ibrav = 0,
>>  nat = 24,
>>  ntyp = 2,
>>  occupations = 'smearing',
>>  smearing = 'gaussian',
>>  degauss = 1.0d-4
>>  ecutwfc = 40.0,
>>  ecutrho = 160.0,
>>  nbnd = 302,
>>  noncolin = .true.
>>  lspinorb = .true.
>> /
>>  conv_thr = 1.0d-8,
>>  mixing_beta = 0.1
>> /
>>  Bi 208.980 Bi.rel-pbe-dn-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
>>  Na 22.989 Na.rel-pbe-spn-kjpaw_psl.0.2.UPF
>> 5.44800000000000 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000
>> 0.00000000000000 9.65500000000000 0.00000000000000
>> 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000 20.58161706618033
>> Na 0.0000000000 2.4137500000 4.0000000000
>> Na 0.0000000000 7.2412500000 4.0000000000
>> Na 2.7240000000 5.6288650000 5.5727021333
>> Na 0.0000000000 0.8013650000 7.1454042665
>> Na 0.0000000000 4.0261350000 7.1454042665
>> Na 2.7240000000 8.8536350000 5.5727021333
>> Bi 2.7240000000 2.4137500000 5.5727021333
>> Bi 0.0000000000 7.2412500000 7.1454042665
>> Na 2.7240000000 2.4137500000 8.7181063998
>> Na 2.7240000000 7.2412500000 8.7181063998
>> Na 0.0000000000 5.6288650000 10.2908085331
>> Na 2.7240000000 0.8013650000 11.8635106664
>> Na 2.7240000000 4.0261350000 11.8635106664
>> Na 0.0000000000 8.8536350000 10.2908085331
>> Bi 0.0000000000 2.4137500000 10.2908085331
>> Bi 2.7240000000 7.2412500000 11.8635106664
>> Na 0.0000000000 2.4137500000 13.4362127996
>> Na 0.0000000000 7.2412500000 13.4362127996
>> Na 2.7240000000 5.6288650000 15.0089149329
>> Na 0.0000000000 0.8013650000 16.5816170662
>> Na 0.0000000000 4.0261350000 16.5816170662
>> Na 2.7240000000 8.8536350000 15.0089149329
>> Bi 2.7240000000 2.4137500000 15.0089149329
>> Bi 0.0000000000 7.2412500000 16.5816170662
>> K_POINTS crystal_c
>>  4
>>   0.5 0.295368 0.0 10
>>   0.0 0.0 0.0 10
>>   0.66667 0.0 0.0 10
>>   0.0 0.0 0.0 10
>> -------------- next part --------------
>>  prefix = 'pwscf'
>>  outdir = '.'
>>  plot_2d = .true.
>>  filband = 'Na3Bi_100_nlayer3_vac8A.bands.dat'
>> /
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 5
>> Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2019 09:15:38 +0100
>> From: Lorenzo Paulatto <>
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [QE-users] How to plot phonon band structure with LO-TO
>>         splitting
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
>> > Could someone please guide me how to plot phonon band structure with
>> the
>> > LO-TO splitting?
>> LO-TO splitting is automatically included if you do the phonon
>> calculation for an insulator (i.e. no smearing in pw.x)
>> kind regards
>> --
>> Lorenzo Paulatto - Paris
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 6
>> Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2019 12:00:10 +0330
>> From: Mohammad Moaddeli <>
>> To: Quantum ESPRESSO users Forum <>
>> Subject: [QE-users] compiling GPU enabled version of QE:
>>         q-e-gpu-qe-gpu-6.4.1a1.tar.gz
>> Message-ID:
>>         <
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Dear all,
>> Thanks to the discussions with Pietro, I could successfully install QE
>> on a
>> supermicro x10, xeon E5-2650, NVIDIA GTX 1080 ti system (CentOS 7.7)
>> with
>> following steps:
>> 1) download the graphic card driver from NVIDIA website (version 430 for
>> me) and install it.
>> 2) type "nvidia-smi" and " pgaccelinfo " in terminal to check if the
>> driver
>> is installed correctly.
>> 3) install PGI compiler with all of its components. (for me, the 19.4
>> version is installed)
>> 4) install CUDA (PGI has cuda itself, but I downloaded CUDA 10.1 from
>> NVIDIA website and installed it separately because it did not respond,
>> and
>> I do not know the reason).
>> 5) download the GPU-enable of QE code (for me,
>> q-e-gpu-qe-gpu-6.4.1a1.tar.gz).
>> 6) run ./configure ,for me:
>> ./install/configure FC=pgf90 --with-cuda=/usr/local/cuda-10.1
>> --with-cuda-runtime=10.1 --with-cuda-cc=60 --enable-openmp
>> --with-scalapack=no
>> p.s.: set  "--with-cuda-cc= " from the output of pgaccelinfo.
>> 7) make ...
>> Mohammad Moaddeli
>> Shiraz University
>> -------------- next part --------------
>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
>> URL: <
>> >
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 7
>> Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2019 13:59:11 +0530
>> From: "Dr. K. C. Bhamu" <>
>> To: Quantum ESPRESSO users Forum <>
>> Subject: Re: [QE-users] How to plot phonon band structure with LO-TO
>>         splitting
>> Message-ID:
>>         <CAJYci+Q=RGjmGuQKFK+5-KxE=+
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Dear Lorenzo,
>> My motive  is to plot phonon band structure with and without LO-TO
>> splitting in a single plot and I would run (may be  wrong but giving it
>> a
>> try)  two separate gamma calculation one with epsil=.false. and other
>> with
>> .
>> true. for this.
>> If you have any previous experience then you can save my computational
>> time.
>> regards
>> Bhamu
>> On Mon, Nov 4, 2019 at 1:46 PM Lorenzo Paulatto <>
>> wrote:
>> > > Could someone please guide me how to plot phonon band structure with
>> the
>> > > LO-TO splitting?
>> >
>> > LO-TO splitting is automatically included if you do the phonon
>> > calculation for an insulator (i.e. no smearing in pw.x)
>> >
>> > kind regards
>> >
>> > --
>> > Lorenzo Paulatto - Paris
>> > _______________________________________________
>> > Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX
>> (
>> )
>> > users mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> -------------- next part --------------
>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
>> URL: <
>> >
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 8
>> Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2019 09:44:41 +0100
>> From: Lorenzo Paulatto <>
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [QE-users] How to plot phonon band structure with LO-TO
>>         splitting
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
>> you can just edit by hand the dyn1 file and remove the dielectric
>> constants and effective charges, then rerun q2r
>> regards
>> On 11/4/19 9:29 AM, Dr. K. C. Bhamu wrote:
>> > Dear Lorenzo,
>> >
>> > My motive is to plot phonon band structure with and without LO-TO
>> > splitting in a single plot and I would run (may be ?wrong but giving
>> it
>> > a try)two separate gamma calculation one with epsil=.false. and other
>> > with .true.for this.
>> >
>> > If you have any previous experiencethen you can save my computational
>> time.
>> >
>> > regards
>> > Bhamu
>> >
>> >
>> > On Mon, Nov 4, 2019 at 1:46 PM Lorenzo Paulatto <
>> > <>> wrote:
>> >
>> >     > Could someone please guide me how to plot phonon band structure
>> with the
>> >     > LO-TO splitting?
>> >
>> >     LO-TO splitting is automatically included if you do the phonon
>> >     calculation for an insulator (i.e. no smearing in pw.x)
>> >
>> >     kind regards
>> >
>> >     --
>> >     Lorenzo Paulatto - Paris
>> >     _______________________________________________
>> >     Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX
>> >     (
>> >     <>)
>> >     users mailing list
>> >     <>
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > _______________________________________________
>> > Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX
>> (
>> )
>> > users mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> Lorenzo Paulatto - Paris
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 9
>> Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2019 14:14:38 +0530
>> From: "Dr. K. C. Bhamu" <>
>> To: Quantum ESPRESSO users Forum <>
>> Subject: Re: [QE-users] How to plot phonon band structure with LO-TO
>>         splitting
>> Message-ID:
>>         <
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Thank you very much Dear Lorenzo.
>> I will do it.
>> Regards
>> Bhamu
>> On Mon, Nov 4, 2019 at 2:15 PM Lorenzo Paulatto <>
>> wrote:
>> > you can just edit by hand the dyn1 file and remove the dielectric
>> > constants and effective charges, then rerun q2r
>> >
>> > regards
>> >
>> > On 11/4/19 9:29 AM, Dr. K. C. Bhamu wrote:
>> > > Dear Lorenzo,
>> > >
>> > > My motive is to plot phonon band structure with and without LO-TO
>> > > splitting in a single plot and I would run (may be  wrong but giving
>> it
>> > > a try)two separate gamma calculation one with epsil=.false. and
>> other
>> > > with .true.for this.
>> > >
>> > > If you have any previous experiencethen you can save my
>> computational
>> > time.
>> > >
>> > > regards
>> > > Bhamu
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > On Mon, Nov 4, 2019 at 1:46 PM Lorenzo Paulatto <
>> > > <>> wrote:
>> > >
>> > >     > Could someone please guide me how to plot phonon band
>> structure
>> > with the
>> > >     > LO-TO splitting?
>> > >
>> > >     LO-TO splitting is automatically included if you do the phonon
>> > >     calculation for an insulator (i.e. no smearing in pw.x)
>> > >
>> > >     kind regards
>> > >
>> > >     --
>> > >     Lorenzo Paulatto - Paris
>> > >     _______________________________________________
>> > >     Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX
>> > >     (
>> > >     <>)
>> > >     users mailing list
>> > >     <>
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > _______________________________________________
>> > > Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (
>> > )
>> > > users mailing list
>> > >
>> > >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Lorenzo Paulatto - Paris
>> > _______________________________________________
>> > Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX
>> (
>> )
>> > users mailing list
>> >
>> -------------- next part --------------
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>> >
>> ------------------------------
>> Subject: Digest Footer
>> _______________________________________________
>> users mailing list
>> ------------------------------
>> End of users Digest, Vol 148, Issue 3
>> *************************************
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
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> <>
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2019 14:12:02 +0100
> From: Matteo Cococcioni <>
> To: Quantum ESPRESSO users Forum <>
> Subject: Re: [QE-users] DFT + U not working on Sn 4d
> Message-ID:
>       <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> In addition to what Ari wrote, are you sure you are using the same
> settings
> in the two calculations? Why are PAW-related terms of the energy zero when
> using +U?
> The Hubbard energy is very little. that is probably related to the fact
> that Sn is d10. Are you sure you are doing what other people are doing in
> literature?
> Best,
> Matteo
> Il giorno dom 3 nov 2019 alle ore 08:54 ?? ??? <> ha
> scritto:
>> Hello,
>> As indicated in the literature (for example
>> people apply a Hubbard potential around 8 or 9 eV to correct the band
>> gap
>> of pure SnS2 from around 1.3 eV with only GGA to around 2 eV after
>> applying
>> U.
>> Knowing that Sn d orbital is closed shell orbital (d10), I applied U of
>> 9
>> eV but band gap is not changing unlike what is reported in the
>> literature,
>> is it because it is closed shell, if so why it worked for other people ?
>> I'm attaching the result of the calculation with and without U, and the
>> density of states for both which look the same.
>> Best
>> _______________________________________________
>> Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX
>> (
>> users mailing list
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL:
> <>
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2019 15:56:18 +0000
> From: Ben Comer <>
> To: ""
>       <>
> Subject: [QE-users] ERROR(FoX), Cannot open file
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hello,
> Since I've switched from espresso 5 to espresso 6.4.1 I've gotten the
> "ERROR(FoX) Cannot open file" error when running across nodes. I see in
> the mailing list that the prescribed fix for this is to recompile with
> the "--enable-xml=no" flag in the "./configure" step. However, when I do
> this I get a warning saying that the flag was not recognized and I
> continue to get the error after compilation. Is there any new fix for
> this issue?
> Thanks,
> Ben Comer
> Georgia Tech
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2019 17:08:05 +0100
> From: Pietro Davide Delugas <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: [QE-users] ERROR(FoX), Cannot open file
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
> Dear Ben Comer.
> The flag is not valid any more. In fact It was not a fix just a
> configure option to select the old file format rather than the new one.
> The old format is no longer supported, that is why the option is not
> recognized by the configure anymore.
> Cannot? open file means that the program is not finding some file. Could
> you give more details on how you are running the code in order to
> understand why the error issues?
> best regards - Pietro
> On 11/4/19 4:56 PM, Ben Comer wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Since I've switched from espresso 5 to espresso 6.4.1 I've gotten the
>> "ERROR(FoX) Cannot open file" error when running across nodes. I see in
>> the mailing list that the prescribed fix for this is to recompile with
>> the "--enable-xml=no" flag in the "./configure" step. However, when I do
>> this I get a warning saying that the flag was not recognized and I
>> continue to get the error after compilation. Is there any new fix for
>> this issue?
>> Thanks,
>> Ben Comer
>> Georgia Tech
>> _______________________________________________
>> Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX
>> (
>> users mailing list
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2019 17:14:00 +0100
> From: Pietro Davide Delugas <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: [QE-users] users Digest, Vol 148, Issue 3
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
> Hi
> the issue has been fixed in the developement version.
> you can? download the the develop version of QE from gitlab
> or github.
> hope it helps
> best regards - Pietro
> On 11/4/19 1:53 PM, Hussain Ali wrote:
>> subject: problem in cppp.x executable
>> <>
>> Dear QE Developers,
>> I am getting an error while post processing using cppp.x
>> ?%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>>  ? ? ?Error in routine ?cppp (1):
>>  ? ? ? Cannot open file ./tmp//
>> ?%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>> Hussain
>> MS student
>> QAU, Islamabad Pakistan.
>> On Mon, Nov 4, 2019 at 4:01 PM
>> <
>> <>> wrote:
>>     Send users mailing list submissions to
>>     <>
>>     To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>>     or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>>     <>
>>     You can reach the person managing the list at
>>     <>
>>     When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>>     than "Re: Contents of users digest..."
>>     Today's Topics:
>>     ? ?1. relation between Hubbard-U and core charge? (Malte Sachs)
>>     ? ?2. Re: DFT + U not working on Sn 4d (Ari P Seitsonen)
>>     ? ?3. Re: Error in interploation of IFCs by matdyn.x (Lorenzo
>>     Paulatto)
>>     ? ?4. Plotting a 3D band plot using Quantum Espresso (Vasilios
>>     Passias)
>>     ? ?5. Re: How to plot phonon band structure with LO-TO splitting
>>     ? ? ? (Lorenzo Paulatto)
>>     ? ?6. compiling GPU enabled version of QE:
>>     ? ? ? q-e-gpu-qe-gpu-6.4.1a1.tar.gz (Mohammad Moaddeli)
>>     ? ?7. Re: How to plot phonon band structure with LO-TO splitting
>>     ? ? ? (Dr. K. C. Bhamu)
>>     ? ?8. Re: How to plot phonon band structure with LO-TO splitting
>>     ? ? ? (Lorenzo Paulatto)
>>     ? ?9. Re: How to plot phonon band structure with LO-TO splitting
>>     ? ? ? (Dr. K. C. Bhamu)
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>     Message: 1
>>     Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2019 14:59:47 +0100
>>     From: Malte Sachs <
>>     <>>
>>     To: Quantum Espresso users Forum <
>>     <>>
>>     Subject: [QE-users] relation between Hubbard-U and core charge?
>>     Message-ID:
>>     ? ? ? ?
>>     <
>>     <>>
>>     Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
>>     Dear DFT+U experts,
>>     I am testing the hp.x code of the QE 6.4.1 version by calculating
>> the
>>     Hubbard-U of simple binary actinides compounds in a
>>     "self-consistent"?
>>     way. Within the same crystal structure and the same counter ions I
>>     find
>>     a perfect linear dependency of the U on the core charge Z of the
>>     actinide ions. I am a little bit surprised about this result.
>>     However, I
>>     am not sure if this is surprising at all. I would thankful for any
>>     help
>>     or hints regarding this issue.
>>     Best regards,
>>     Malte Sachs
>>     --
>>     Malte Sachs
>>     Anorganische Chemie, Fluorchemie
>>     Philipps-Universit?t Marburg
>>     Hans-Meerwein-Stra?e 4
>>     35032 Marburg (Paketpost: 35043 Marburg)
>>     Tel.: +49 (0)6421 28 - 25 68 0
>>     -------------- next part --------------
>>     A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
>>     Name: smime.p7s
>>     Type: application/pkcs7-signature
>>     Size: 5418 bytes
>>     Desc: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
>>     URL:
>> <>
>>     ------------------------------
>>     Message: 2
>>     Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2019 15:56:34 +0100 (CET)
>>     From: Ari P Seitsonen <
>>     <>>
>>     To: Quantum ESPRESSO users Forum <
>>     <>>
>>     Subject: Re: [QE-users] DFT + U not working on Sn 4d
>>     Message-ID:
>>     <
>>     <>>
>>     Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
>>     Dear ?, (please read the instructions about posting to this Forum,
>>     signing
>>     ? ? ? ? ? and affiliation)
>>     ? ?Does your pseudo potential or PAW data set include the d
>>     orbital in the
>>     valence of the atomic species? If yes, did you check in the file
>>     'Modules/set_hubbard_l.f90' that the l for the element in question
>>     is set?
>>     At least in version 6.4 of QE I did not find 'Sn'. If needed, please
>>     modify the file, recompile and try again.
>>     ? ?Well, I am just guessing...
>>     ? ? ?Greetings,
>>     ? ? ? ? apsi
>> -=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-
>>     ? ?Ari Paavo Seitsonen /
>>     <> /
>>     ? ? ?Ecole Normale Sup?rieure (ENS), D?partement de Chimie, Paris
>>     ? ? ?Mobile (F) : +33 789 37 24 25? ? (CH) : +41 79 71 90 935
>>     On Sat, 2 Nov 2019, ?? ??? wrote:
>>     >
>>     > Hello,
>>     >
>>     > As indicated in the literature (for example
>>     people apply a Hubbard potential around 8
>>     > or 9 eV to correct the band gap of pure SnS2 from around 1.3 eV
>>     with only GGA to around 2 eV after applying U.
>>     >
>>     > Knowing that Sn d orbital is closed shell orbital (d10), I
>>     applied U of 9 eV but band gap is not changing unlike what is
>>     reported in the literature, is it
>>     > because it is closed shell, if so why it worked for other people ?
>>     >
>>     > I'm attaching the result of the calculation with and without U,
>>     and the density of states for both which look the same.
>>     >
>>     > Best
>>     >
>>     > [mdnform?OpenForm&
>>     <>&
>> <>&key=E455F3F7280BDC0A492584A6004F55D7]
>>     >
>>     ------------------------------
>>     Message: 3
>>     Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2019 16:17:48 +0100
>>     From: Lorenzo Paulatto <
>> <>>
>>     To:
>>     <>
>>     Subject: Re: [QE-users] Error in interploation of IFCs by matdyn.x
>>     Message-ID: <
>>     <>>
>>     Content-Type: text/plain; charset=gbk; format=flowed
>>     It could be a problem in the conversion script, I only tested it
>>     on the
>>     examples that I used it for. If you send me the data required to
>>     reproduce your calculation I can have a look
>>     cheers
>>     On 11/1/19 5:36 AM, Hao Gao wrote:
>>     > Dear all,
>>     >
>>     > l am working on calculating anharmonic superconducting Tc. I have
>>     > obtained anharmonic 2nd-order IFCs in phonopy's format. Then I use
>>     > in d3q to convert phonopy's IFC to QE
>>     format and
>>     > phonon dispersions can be calculated by matdyn.x in QE. For 2x2x2
>>     > supercell, the dispersions calculated by phonopy and matdyn.x
>>     are same.
>>     > However, for 3x3x3 supercell, there are lager imaginary modes
>> after
>>     > matdyn.x's interpolation while the phononpy's results are OK.
>>     How to
>>     > solve the issue?
>>     >
>>     > I have attached the phonon dispersions.
>>     >
>>     > Sincerely,
>>     > Hao Gao
>>     >
>>     >
>>     >
>>     >
>>     >
>>     >
>>     > _______________________________________________
>>     > Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX
>>     (
>>     <>)
>>     > users mailing list
>>     <>
>>     >
>>     >
>>     --
>>     Lorenzo Paulatto - Paris
>>     ------------------------------
>>     Message: 4
>>     Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2019 20:52:47 -0600
>>     From: Vasilios Passias <
>>     <>>
>>     To:
>>     <>
>>     Subject: [QE-users] Plotting a 3D band plot using Quantum Espresso
>>     Message-ID:
>>     ? ? ? ?
>>     <
>>     <>>
>>     Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>     Hello everyone.
>>     I want to plot a 3D band structure, by which I mean I want to plot
>> the
>>     Energy vs (kx,ky), using Quantum Espresso.? I have the following
>> band
>>     calculation and band post-processing input files attached in this
>>     message.
>>     Everything works fine when I run these two files.? As expected I
>>     get a file
>>     for each band (302 in total).
>>     After merging all of these files into a single
>>     file, Na3Bi_100_nlayer3_vac8A.bands.dat, I try to run plotband.x
>>     with this
>>     file there's an error: (STOP Error reading file header).? I
>>     believe that
>>     this file does not have the right format to be used in plotband.x.
>>     Is there a standard way to obtain a 3D plot band using these input
>>     files?
>>     -------------- next part --------------
>>     An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
>>     URL:
>> <>
>>     -------------- next part --------------
>>     &CONTROL
>>     ?calculation = 'bands',
>>     ?restart_mode = 'from_scratch',
>>     ?pseudo_dir = '/home/passias2/qe-6.3/pseudo/'
>>     ?verbosity = 'high',
>>     /
>>     &SYSTEM
>>     ?ibrav = 0,
>>     ?nat = 24,
>>     ?ntyp = 2,
>>     ?occupations = 'smearing',
>>     ?smearing = 'gaussian',
>>     ?degauss = 1.0d-4
>>     ?ecutwfc = 40.0,
>>     ?ecutrho = 160.0,
>>     ?nbnd = 302,
>>     ?noncolin = .true.
>>     ?lspinorb = .true.
>>     /
>>     ?conv_thr = 1.0d-8,
>>     ?mixing_beta = 0.1
>>     /
>>     ?Bi 208.980 Bi.rel-pbe-dn-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
>>     ?Na 22.989 Na.rel-pbe-spn-kjpaw_psl.0.2.UPF
>>     CELL_PARAMETERS angstrom
>>     5.44800000000000 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000
>>     0.00000000000000 9.65500000000000 0.00000000000000
>>     0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000 20.58161706618033
>>     ATOMIC_POSITIONS angstrom
>>     Na 0.0000000000 2.4137500000 4.0000000000
>>     Na 0.0000000000 7.2412500000 4.0000000000
>>     Na 2.7240000000 5.6288650000 5.5727021333
>>     Na 0.0000000000 0.8013650000 7.1454042665
>>     Na 0.0000000000 4.0261350000 7.1454042665
>>     Na 2.7240000000 8.8536350000 5.5727021333
>>     Bi 2.7240000000 2.4137500000 5.5727021333
>>     Bi 0.0000000000 7.2412500000 7.1454042665
>>     Na 2.7240000000 2.4137500000 8.7181063998
>>     Na 2.7240000000 7.2412500000 8.7181063998
>>     Na 0.0000000000 5.6288650000 10.2908085331
>>     Na 2.7240000000 0.8013650000 11.8635106664
>>     Na 2.7240000000 4.0261350000 11.8635106664
>>     Na 0.0000000000 8.8536350000 10.2908085331
>>     Bi 0.0000000000 2.4137500000 10.2908085331
>>     Bi 2.7240000000 7.2412500000 11.8635106664
>>     Na 0.0000000000 2.4137500000 13.4362127996
>>     Na 0.0000000000 7.2412500000 13.4362127996
>>     Na 2.7240000000 5.6288650000 15.0089149329
>>     Na 0.0000000000 0.8013650000 16.5816170662
>>     Na 0.0000000000 4.0261350000 16.5816170662
>>     Na 2.7240000000 8.8536350000 15.0089149329
>>     Bi 2.7240000000 2.4137500000 15.0089149329
>>     Bi 0.0000000000 7.2412500000 16.5816170662
>>     K_POINTS crystal_c
>>     ?4
>>     ? 0.5 0.295368 0.0 10
>>     ? 0.0 0.0 0.0 10
>>     ? 0.66667 0.0 0.0 10
>>     ? 0.0 0.0 0.0 10
>>     -------------- next part --------------
>>     &BANDS
>>     ?prefix = 'pwscf'
>>     ?outdir = '.'
>>     ?plot_2d = .true.
>>     ?filband = 'Na3Bi_100_nlayer3_vac8A.bands.dat'
>>     /
>>     ------------------------------
>>     Message: 5
>>     Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2019 09:15:38 +0100
>>     From: Lorenzo Paulatto <
>> <>>
>>     To:
>>     <>
>>     Subject: Re: [QE-users] How to plot phonon band structure with LO-TO
>>     ? ? ? ? splitting
>>     Message-ID: <
>>     <>>
>>     Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
>>     > Could someone please guide me how to plot phonon band structure
>>     with the
>>     > LO-TO splitting?
>>     LO-TO splitting is automatically included if you do the phonon
>>     calculation for an insulator (i.e. no smearing in pw.x)
>>     kind regards
>>     --
>>     Lorenzo Paulatto - Paris
>>     ------------------------------
>>     Message: 6
>>     Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2019 12:00:10 +0330
>>     From: Mohammad Moaddeli <
>>     <>>
>>     To: Quantum ESPRESSO users Forum <
>>     <>>
>>     Subject: [QE-users] compiling GPU enabled version of QE:
>>     ? ? ? ? q-e-gpu-qe-gpu-6.4.1a1.tar.gz
>>     Message-ID:
>>     ? ? ? ?
>>     <
>> <>>
>>     Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>     Dear all,
>>     Thanks to the discussions with Pietro, I could successfully
>>     install QE on a
>>     supermicro x10, xeon E5-2650, NVIDIA GTX 1080 ti system (CentOS
>>     7.7) with
>>     following steps:
>>     1) download the graphic card driver from NVIDIA website (version
>>     430 for
>>     me) and install it.
>>     2) type "nvidia-smi" and " pgaccelinfo " in terminal to check if
>>     the driver
>>     is installed correctly.
>>     3) install PGI compiler with all of its components. (for me, the
>> 19.4
>>     version is installed)
>>     4) install CUDA (PGI has cuda itself, but I downloaded CUDA 10.1
>> from
>>     NVIDIA website and installed it separately because it did not
>>     respond, and
>>     I do not know the reason).
>>     5) download the GPU-enable of QE code (for me,
>>     q-e-gpu-qe-gpu-6.4.1a1.tar.gz).
>>     6) run ./configure ,for me:
>>     ./install/configure FC=pgf90 --with-cuda=/usr/local/cuda-10.1
>>     --with-cuda-runtime=10.1 --with-cuda-cc=60 --enable-openmp
>>     --with-scalapack=no
>>     p.s.: set? "--with-cuda-cc= " from the output of pgaccelinfo.
>>     7) make ...
>>     Mohammad Moaddeli
>>     Shiraz University
>>     -------------- next part --------------
>>     An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
>>     URL:
>> <>
>>     ------------------------------
>>     Message: 7
>>     Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2019 13:59:11 +0530
>>     From: "Dr. K. C. Bhamu" <
>>     <>>
>>     To: Quantum ESPRESSO users Forum <
>>     <>>
>>     Subject: Re: [QE-users] How to plot phonon band structure with LO-TO
>>     ? ? ? ? splitting
>>     Message-ID:
>>     ? ? ? ?
>>     <
>>     <>>
>>     Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>     Dear Lorenzo,
>>     My motive? is to plot phonon band structure with and without LO-TO
>>     splitting in a single plot and I would run (may be? wrong but
>>     giving it a
>>     try)? two separate gamma calculation one with epsil=.false. and
>>     other with .
>>     true. for this.
>>     If you have any previous experience then you can save my
>>     computational time.
>>     regards
>>     Bhamu
>>     On Mon, Nov 4, 2019 at 1:46 PM Lorenzo Paulatto <
>>     <>> wrote:
>>     > > Could someone please guide me how to plot phonon band
>>     structure with the
>>     > > LO-TO splitting?
>>     >
>>     > LO-TO splitting is automatically included if you do the phonon
>>     > calculation for an insulator (i.e. no smearing in pw.x)
>>     >
>>     > kind regards
>>     >
>>     > --
>>     > Lorenzo Paulatto - Paris
>>     > _______________________________________________
>>     > Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX
>>     (
>>     <>)
>>     > users mailing list
>>     <>
>>     >
>>     >
>>     -------------- next part --------------
>>     An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
>>     URL:
>> <>
>>     ------------------------------
>>     Message: 8
>>     Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2019 09:44:41 +0100
>>     From: Lorenzo Paulatto <
>> <>>
>>     To:
>>     <>
>>     Subject: Re: [QE-users] How to plot phonon band structure with LO-TO
>>     ? ? ? ? splitting
>>     Message-ID: <
>>     <>>
>>     Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
>>     you can just edit by hand the dyn1 file and remove the dielectric
>>     constants and effective charges, then rerun q2r
>>     regards
>>     On 11/4/19 9:29 AM, Dr. K. C. Bhamu wrote:
>>     > Dear Lorenzo,
>>     >
>>     > My motive is to plot phonon band structure with and without LO-TO
>>     > splitting in a single plot and I would run (may be ?wrong but
>>     giving it
>>     > a try)two separate gamma calculation one with epsil=.false. and
>>     other
>>     > with .true.for this.
>>     >
>>     > If you have any previous experiencethen you can save my
>>     computational time.
>>     >
>>     > regards
>>     > Bhamu
>>     >
>>     >
>>     > On Mon, Nov 4, 2019 at 1:46 PM Lorenzo Paulatto
>>     < <>
>>     > < <>>> wrote:
>>     >
>>     >? ? ?> Could someone please guide me how to plot phonon band
>>     structure with the
>>     >? ? ?> LO-TO splitting?
>>     >
>>     >? ? ?LO-TO splitting is automatically included if you do the phonon
>>     >? ? ?calculation for an insulator (i.e. no smearing in pw.x)
>>     >
>>     >? ? ?kind regards
>>     >
>>     >? ? ?--
>>     >? ? ?Lorenzo Paulatto - Paris
>>     >? ? ?_______________________________________________
>>     >? ? ?Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX
>>     >? ? ?(
>>     <>
>>     >? ? ?<>)
>>     >? ? ?users mailing list
>>     <>
>>     >? ? ?<
>>     <>>
>>     >
>>     >
>>     >
>>     > _______________________________________________
>>     > Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX
>>     (
>>     <>)
>>     > users mailing list
>>     <>
>>     >
>>     >
>>     --
>>     Lorenzo Paulatto - Paris
>>     ------------------------------
>>     Message: 9
>>     Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2019 14:14:38 +0530
>>     From: "Dr. K. C. Bhamu" <
>>     <>>
>>     To: Quantum ESPRESSO users Forum <
>>     <>>
>>     Subject: Re: [QE-users] How to plot phonon band structure with LO-TO
>>     ? ? ? ? splitting
>>     Message-ID:
>>     ? ? ? ?
>>     <
>> <>>
>>     Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>     Thank you very much Dear Lorenzo.
>>     I will do it.
>>     Regards
>>     Bhamu
>>     On Mon, Nov 4, 2019 at 2:15 PM Lorenzo Paulatto <
>>     <>> wrote:
>>     > you can just edit by hand the dyn1 file and remove the dielectric
>>     > constants and effective charges, then rerun q2r
>>     >
>>     > regards
>>     >
>>     > On 11/4/19 9:29 AM, Dr. K. C. Bhamu wrote:
>>     > > Dear Lorenzo,
>>     > >
>>     > > My motive is to plot phonon band structure with and without
>> LO-TO
>>     > > splitting in a single plot and I would run (may be wrong but
>>     giving it
>>     > > a try)two separate gamma calculation one with epsil=.false.
>>     and other
>>     > > with .true.for this.
>>     > >
>>     > > If you have any previous experiencethen you can save my
>>     computational
>>     > time.
>>     > >
>>     > > regards
>>     > > Bhamu
>>     > >
>>     > >
>>     > > On Mon, Nov 4, 2019 at 1:46 PM Lorenzo Paulatto
>>     < <>
>>     > > < <>>> wrote:
>>     > >
>>     > >? ? ?> Could someone please guide me how to plot phonon band
>>     structure
>>     > with the
>>     > >? ? ?> LO-TO splitting?
>>     > >
>>     > >? ? ?LO-TO splitting is automatically included if you do the
>> phonon
>>     > >? ? ?calculation for an insulator (i.e. no smearing in pw.x)
>>     > >
>>     > >? ? ?kind regards
>>     > >
>>     > >? ? ?--
>>     > >? ? ?Lorenzo Paulatto - Paris
>>     > >? ? ?_______________________________________________
>>     > >? ? ?Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX
>>     > >? ? ?(
>>     <>
>>     > >? ? ?<>)
>>     > >? ? ?users mailing list
>>     <>
>>     > >? ? ?<
>>     <>>
>>     > >
>>     > >
>>     > >
>>     > > _______________________________________________
>>     > > Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX
>>     (
>>     <>
>>     > )
>>     > > users mailing list
>>     <>
>>     > >
>>     > >
>>     >
>>     > --
>>     > Lorenzo Paulatto - Paris
>>     > _______________________________________________
>>     > Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX
>>     (
>>     <>)
>>     > users mailing list
>>     <>
>>     >
>>     -------------- next part --------------
>>     An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
>>     URL:
>> <>
>>     ------------------------------
>>     Subject: Digest Footer
>>     _______________________________________________
>>     users mailing list
>>     <>
>>     ------------------------------
>>     End of users Digest, Vol 148, Issue 3
>>     *************************************
>> _______________________________________________
>> Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX
>> (
>> users mailing list
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL:
> <>
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2019 16:21:18 +0000
> From: Ben Comer <>
> To: ""
>       <>
> Subject: Re: [QE-users] ERROR(FoX), Cannot open file
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Pietro,
> I am running quantum espresso with 56 cores across 2 nodes (28 cores per
> node) when I receive this error. The error does not appear when I am
> running on a single node (I've tested 1,2,4,8,16, and 28 cores on a
> single node.) However, all runs that involve more than one node do have
> this issue. Previous messages implied that this was because the nodes
> did not share a common file system, which is the case for our cluster.
> Each node has it's own /tmp directory located on each node. Please let
> me know if I can provide more information.
> On 11/4/19 11:08 AM, Pietro Davide Delugas wrote:
>> Dear Ben Comer.
>> The flag is not valid any more. In fact It was not a fix just a
>> configure option to select the old file format rather than the new one.
>> The old format is no longer supported, that is why the option is not
>> recognized by the configure anymore.
>> Cannot? open file means that the program is not finding some file.
>> Could you give more details on how you are running the code in order
>> to understand why the error issues?
>> best regards - Pietro
>> On 11/4/19 4:56 PM, Ben Comer wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Since I've switched from espresso 5 to espresso 6.4.1 I've gotten the
>>> "ERROR(FoX) Cannot open file" error when running across nodes. I see in
>>> the mailing list that the prescribed fix for this is to recompile with
>>> the "--enable-xml=no" flag in the "./configure" step. However, when I
>>> do
>>> this I get a warning saying that the flag was not recognized and I
>>> continue to get the error after compilation. Is there any new fix for
>>> this issue?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ben Comer
>>> Georgia Tech
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX
>>> (
>>> users mailing list
>> _______________________________________________
>> Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX
>> (
>> users mailing list
> ------------------------------
> Message: 7
> Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2019 18:22:04 +0100
> From: Paolo Giannozzi <>
> To: Quantum ESPRESSO users Forum <>
> Subject: Re: [QE-users] ERROR(FoX), Cannot open file
> Message-ID:
>       <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Try the development version, that no longer assumes that all files are
> readable by all processors.
> Paolo
> On Mon, Nov 4, 2019 at 5:22 PM Ben Comer <> wrote:
>> Pietro,
>> I am running quantum espresso with 56 cores across 2 nodes (28 cores per
>> node) when I receive this error. The error does not appear when I am
>> running on a single node (I've tested 1,2,4,8,16, and 28 cores on a
>> single node.) However, all runs that involve more than one node do have
>> this issue. Previous messages implied that this was because the nodes
>> did not share a common file system, which is the case for our cluster.
>> Each node has it's own /tmp directory located on each node. Please let
>> me know if I can provide more information.
>> On 11/4/19 11:08 AM, Pietro Davide Delugas wrote:
>> > Dear Ben Comer.
>> > The flag is not valid any more. In fact It was not a fix just a
>> > configure option to select the old file format rather than the new
>> one.
>> >
>> > The old format is no longer supported, that is why the option is not
>> > recognized by the configure anymore.
>> >
>> > Cannot  open file means that the program is not finding some file.
>> > Could you give more details on how you are running the code in order
>> > to understand why the error issues?
>> >
>> > best regards - Pietro
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On 11/4/19 4:56 PM, Ben Comer wrote:
>> >> Hello,
>> >>
>> >> Since I've switched from espresso 5 to espresso 6.4.1 I've gotten the
>> >> "ERROR(FoX) Cannot open file" error when running across nodes. I see
>> in
>> >> the mailing list that the prescribed fix for this is to recompile
>> with
>> >> the "--enable-xml=no" flag in the "./configure" step. However, when I
>> do
>> >> this I get a warning saying that the flag was not recognized and I
>> >> continue to get the error after compilation. Is there any new fix for
>> >> this issue?
>> >>
>> >> Thanks,
>> >>
>> >> Ben Comer
>> >> Georgia Tech
>> >>
>> >> _______________________________________________
>> >> Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX
>> >> (
>> >> users mailing list
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> > _______________________________________________
>> > Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX
>> (
>> )
>> > users mailing list
>> >
>> _______________________________________________
>> Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX
>> (
>> users mailing list
> --
> Paolo Giannozzi, Dip. Scienze Matematiche Informatiche e Fisiche,
> Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
> Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL:
> <>
> ------------------------------
> Message: 8
> Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2019 10:20:49 +0000 (UTC)
> From: David Kostov <>
> To: Quantum ESPRESSO users Forum <>
> Subject: Re: [QE-users] Fw: Problem with SOC
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>  Dear Guido
> Thank you for your valuable comment. I tried your advises and could get
> the system get converged in the x direction magnetization with following
> options.
> ??? nat = 6,
> ??? ntyp = 2,
> ??? degauss = 0.12,
> ??? ibrav = 0,
> ??? ecutwfc = 140,
> ??? nbnd=50,
> ??? occupations = 'smearing',
> ??? smearing = 'mp',
> ??? starting_magnetization(1)=0.1,
> ??? starting_magnetization(2)=0.0,
> ??? constrained_magnetization= 'atomic',
> ??? angle1=90,
> ??? angle2=0,
> ??? noncolin= .true.
> ??? lspinorb= .true.
> ?/
> However I have got to know from previous pw_forum's posts that with such a
> constrained calculation, the constrained energy in the convergence needs
> to be very close to zero. But in my case it is not. (last iteration in the
> vc-relaxed run copied below)
> ???? total magnetization?????? =???? 5.77???? 0.00???? 0.00 Bohr mag/cell
> ???? absolute magnetization??? =???? 5.86 Bohr mag/cell
> ???? lambda??????????????????? =?????? 1.00 Ry
> ???? iteration # 24???? ecut=?? 140.00 Ry???? beta=0.30
> ???? Davidson diagonalization with overlap
> ???? ethr =? 1.00E-13,? avg # of iterations =? 2.1
> ???? constraint energy (Ryd) =???? 11.31368053
> Can you/someone else please let me know whether I can go forward with this
> configuration or it needs to change.
> I do not have any idea what to do to reduce constrained energy in this
> system, please advice me.
> Thank youDavid?PhD student
> Okayama University
>     On Saturday, November 2, 2019, 6:23:28 a.m. CST, Guido Menichetti
> <> wrote:
>  Dear Kostov
> First of all, please add your signature (affiliation/university/position)
> About the difference between SP and SOC calculation:The magnetism in SOC
> calculation in non-collinear so if you give to the code just the magnitude
> of the magnetic moments it could not be enough to reach the right/desired
> magnetic configuration. If you look for a specific magnetic configuration
> you could also try the "constrained magnetization".
> Try to add a guess on the starting angles (of the magnetic moments)
> About the? vc-relax: It could happen if the relaxed structure is far from
> the starting one.
> Are you in the same magnetic configuration?Try the relaxation again.
> HTHBestG.
> Il giorno sab 2 nov 2019 alle ore 03:31 David Kostov <> ha
> scritto:
>  I am still waiting for a reply for this issue. Thank you in advance.
>    ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: David Kostov <>To:
> Quantum ESPRESSO Users Forum <>Sent:
> Wednesday, October 30, 2019, 2:43:25 p.m. CSTSubject: Problem with SOC
>  Dear QE community
> I want to study my FM system with and without SOC included. Thus I tried
> geometry optimization, vc-relax, for the two cases.
> In the FM without SOC, I got the following magnetization. In my system,
> there are two magnetic atoms. So I think one atom will have 6.48/2= 3.24
> Bohr mag/cell.
> ? total magnetization?????? =???? 6.37 Bohr mag/cell
> ? absolute magnetization??? =???? 6.48 Bohr mag/cell
> However, in the FM+SOC, the magnetization results for the final structure
> in the vc-relax process is zero.
> total magnetization?????? =??? -0.00??? -0.00???? 0.00 Bohr
> mag/cellabsolute magnetization??? =???? 0.00 Bohr mag/cell
> I am little bit not clear with this situation. Can someone please clarify
> me what this results tells me? in the FM+SOC case ? (is this converging to
> a NM case? I mean since absolute mag=0?)
> But in the input script, I defined in a way the system is FM.
> input in the FM+SOC.................................
> ??? nat = 6,
> ??? ntyp = 2,
> ??? degauss = 0.12,
> ??? ibrav = 0,
> ??? ecutwfc = 140,
> ???? nbnd=50,
> ??? occupations = 'smearing',
> ??? smearing = 'mp',
> ??? starting_magnetization(1)=0.1,
> ??? starting_magnetization(2)=0.0,
> ??? noncolin= .true.
> ??? lspinorb=
> .true.............................................................................................
> The other problem I am facing is when I check the scf calculation with the
> converged final lattice and atomic coordinates (of course with the same
> input SYSTEM data above), the pressure is very high at the end, around
> 40GPa. I m not sure what is wrong with the calculation.
> Thank you in advance
> D.
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> Guido Menichetti
> Post-Doc researcher in Condensed matter physics
> Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
> Theory and technology of 2D materials
> Address: Via Morego, 30, 16163 Genova
> Email:? ?
> ?? ? ????? ?
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Mayuri Bora
Advanced Functional Material Laboratory
Tezpur University

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