On 03/08/2020 18:39, Baer, Bradly wrote:

I was consulting the reference materials on materialsproject.org <https://materialsproject.org/materials/mp-830/> for a semiconductor. In the section on phonon results, they had the phonon density of states plotted with the contributions of each type of atom as well as the total DOS.    I have calculated the DOS of a system before using QE, but only did the total DOS of the system.  Does QE have the capability to give similar results?


Dear Brad,

for phonons I do not think there is any ready-made tool (but I could be wrong). For phonon dispersions, we have implemented an online phonon visulizer, based on the code by Henrique Miranda:
that allows you to explore graphically/interactively phonon dispersions

For the phonon DOS, if you have done a calculation with QE, you can at zero cost interpolate/diagonalize the dynamical matrices on fine q meshes, and build the DOS yourself. But maybe others have some tool ready to use.


Bradly Baer
Graduate Research Assistant, Walker Lab
Interdisciplinary Materials Science
Vanderbilt University

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