
I'm getting the following error message when I run "relax" calculation for
As monolayer. What can I do? I disabled symmetry in script.

Please help me.

     task #         0
     from check_atoms : error #         1
     atoms #   1 and #   2 differ by lattice vector ( 0,-1, 0) in crystal


  calculation = 'relax'
  etot_conv_thr =   4.0000000000d-04
  forc_conv_thr =   1.0000000000d-04
  outdir = './.'
  prefix = 'aiida'
  pseudo_dir = './.'
  tprnfor = .true.
  tstress = .true.
  verbosity = 'high'
  degauss =   1.4699723600d-02
  ecutrho =   2.8000000000d+02
  ecutwfc =   3.5000000000d+01
  ibrav = 0
  nat = 40
  ntyp = 1
  occupations = 'smearing'
  smearing = 'cold'
  nosym = .true.
  conv_thr =   8.0000000000d-09
  electron_maxstep = 80
  mixing_beta =   4.0000000000d-01
  ion_dynamics = 'bfgs'
  presss_conv_thr = 0.5D0
  cell_synamics = 'bfgs'
  cell_dofree = 'all'
As     74.9216 As.pbe-n-rrkjus_psl.0.2.UPF
As           0.0000000000       0.0000000000       0.1162766848
As           0.0000000444       1.0000000729       0.1162766848
As           0.0000000888       2.0000001459       0.1162766848
As          -0.0000000203       2.9999999117       0.1162766848
As           0.9999999841       0.0000000000       0.1162766848
As           1.0000000285       1.0000000729       0.1162766848
As           1.0000000729       2.0000001459       0.1162766848
As           0.9999999638       2.9999999117       0.1162766848
As           1.9999999681       0.0000000000       0.1162766848
As           2.0000000126       1.0000000729       0.1162766848
As           2.0000000570       2.0000001459       0.1162766848
As           1.9999999478       2.9999999117       0.1162766848
As           2.9999999522       0.0000000000       0.1162766848
As           2.9999999966       1.0000000729       0.1162766848
As           3.0000003070       2.0000001459       0.1162766848
As           2.9999999319       2.9999999117       0.1162766848
As           0.6666666709       0.3333333576       0.0539872897
As           0.6666667153       1.3333334306       0.0539872897
As           0.6666666061       2.3333331964       0.0539872897
As           1.6666666549       0.3333333576       0.0539872897
As           1.6666666993       1.3333334306       0.0539872897
As           1.6666665902       2.3333331964       0.0539872897
As           2.6666666390       0.3333333576       0.0539872897
As           2.6666669494       1.3333334306       0.0539872897
As           2.6666665743       2.3333331964       0.0539872897
As          -0.3333333576      -0.6666667153       0.0539872897
As          -0.3333333132       0.3333333576       0.0539872897
As          -0.3333332688       1.3333334306       0.0539872897
As          -0.3333333779       2.3333331964       0.0539872897
As          -0.3333333335       3.3333332693       0.0539872897
As           0.6666666506       3.3333332693       0.0539872897
As           0.6666666264      -0.6666667153       0.0539872897
As           1.6666666346       3.3333332693       0.0539872897
As           1.6666668765      -0.6666667153       0.0539872897
As           2.6666666187       3.3333332693       0.0539872897
As           2.6666665946      -0.6666667153       0.0539872897
As           3.6666668890       0.3333333576       0.0539872897
As           3.6666666675       1.3333334306       0.0539872897
As           3.6666668243       2.3333331964       0.0539872897
As           3.6666668687       3.3333332693       0.0539872897
K_POINTS automatic
10 10 2 0 0 0
      3.7597000599       0.0000000000       0.0000000000
     -1.8798500299       3.2559957625       0.0000000000
      0.0000000000       0.0000000000      20.4412002563
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