I am doing a relax type calculation on a (010) slab of FeOOH. In
literature it was mentioned that it is an antiferromagnetic with local
magnetic moments on Fe ions alternating along cell b axis & with
moments aligned parallel to cell c axis (PHYSICAL REVIEW B 79, 165101
 2009 ) .  ALso it is a charge transfer insulator with band gap 2.5
What changes do I make to my input file to get these features correctly?
Thanks in advance.
  calculation = 'relax'
  etot_conv_thr =   1.4000000000d-03
  forc_conv_thr =   1.0000000000d-04
  outdir = './out/'
  prefix = 'goethite'
  pseudo_dir = './pseudo/'
  tprnfor = .true.
  tstress = .true.
  verbosity = 'high'
!  restart_mode = 'restart'

  degauss =   2.2049585400d-02
  ecutrho =   1.0800000000d+03
  ecutwfc =   9.0000000000d+01
  ibrav = 0
  nat = 140
  nspin = 2
  ntyp = 3
  occupations = 'smearing'
  smearing = 'cold'
  starting_magnetization(1) =   3.1250000000d-01
  starting_magnetization(2) =   1.0000000000d-01
  starting_magnetization(3) =   1.0000000000d-01
  conv_thr =   2.8000000000d-08
  electron_maxstep = 80
  mixing_beta =   4.0000000000d-01
Fe     55.847 Fe.pbe-spn-kjpaw_psl.0.2.1.UPF
H      1.00794 H.pbe-rrkjus_psl.1.0.0.UPF
O      15.9994 O.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.0.1.UPF
Fe           0.2499999756       0.2143239887       0.3553489986
Fe           0.2499999756       0.4415967069       0.3553489986
Fe           0.5833333127       0.2143239887       0.3553489986
Fe           0.5833333127       0.4415967069       0.3553489986
Fe           0.9166666499       0.2143239887       0.3553489986
Fe           0.9166666499       0.4415967069       0.3553489986
Fe           0.2499999756       0.1265851132       0.8553490524
Fe           0.2499999756       0.3538578314       0.8553490524
Fe           0.5833333127       0.1265851132       0.8553490524
Fe           0.5833333127       0.3538578314       0.8553490524
Fe           0.9166666499       0.1265851132       0.8553490524
Fe           0.9166666499       0.3538578314       0.8553490524
Fe           0.0833333616       0.0129487296       0.6446510094
Fe           0.0833333616       0.2402214478       0.6446510094
Fe           0.4166666987       0.0129487296       0.6446510094
Fe           0.4166666987       0.2402214478       0.6446510094
Fe           0.7500000358       0.0129487296       0.6446510094
Fe           0.7500000358       0.2402214478       0.6446510094
Fe           0.0833333616       0.1006876051       0.1446509557
Fe           0.0833333616       0.3279603233       0.1446509557
Fe           0.4166666987       0.1006876051       0.1446509557
Fe           0.4166666987       0.3279603233       0.1446509557
Fe           0.7500000358       0.1006876051       0.1446509557
Fe           0.7500000358       0.3279603233       0.1446509557
H            0.0833333616       0.0900496641       0.4090589851
H            0.0833333616       0.3173223824       0.4090589851
H            0.4166666987       0.0900496641       0.4090589851
H            0.4166666987       0.3173223824       0.4090589851
H            0.7500000358       0.0900496641       0.4090589851
H            0.7500000358       0.3173223824       0.4090589851
H            0.0833333616       0.0235867195       0.9090589394
H            0.0833333616       0.2508594377       0.9090589394
H            0.4166666987       0.0235867195       0.9090589394
H            0.4166666987       0.2508594377       0.9090589394
H            0.7500000358       0.0235867195       0.9090589394
H            0.7500000358       0.2508594377       0.9090589394
H            0.2499999756       0.1372231031       0.5909410230
H            0.2499999756       0.3644958213       0.5909410230
H            0.5833333127       0.1372231031       0.5909410230
H            0.5833333127       0.3644958213       0.5909410230
H            0.9166666499       0.1372231031       0.5909410230
H            0.9166666499       0.3644958213       0.5909410230
H            0.2499999756       0.2036859987       0.0909409692
H            0.2499999756       0.4309587660       0.0909409692
H            0.5833333127       0.2036859987       0.0909409692
H            0.5833333127       0.4309587660       0.0909409692
H            0.9166666499       0.2036859987       0.0909409692
H            0.9166666499       0.4309587660       0.0909409692
O            0.0833333616       0.1568801062       0.3042889987
O            0.0833333616       0.3841528245       0.3042889987
O            0.4166666987       0.1568801062       0.3042889987
O            0.4166666987       0.3841528245       0.3042889987
O            0.7500000358       0.1568801062       0.3042889987
O            0.7500000358       0.3841528245       0.3042889987
O            0.0833333616       0.1840289467       0.8042889530
O            0.0833333616       0.4113016649       0.8042889530
O            0.4166666987       0.1840289467       0.8042889530
O            0.4166666987       0.4113016649       0.8042889530
O            0.7500000358       0.1840289467       0.8042889530
O            0.7500000358       0.4113016649       0.8042889530
O            0.2499999756       0.0703926120       0.6957110094
O            0.2499999756       0.2976653303       0.6957110094
O            0.5833333127       0.0703926120       0.6957110094
O            0.5833333127       0.2976653303       0.6957110094
O            0.9166666499       0.0703926120       0.6957110094
O            0.9166666499       0.2976653303       0.6957110094
O            0.2499999756       0.0432437716       0.1957109557
O            0.2499999756       0.2705164898       0.1957109557
O            0.5833333127       0.0432437716       0.1957109557
O            0.5833333127       0.2705164898       0.1957109557
O            0.9166666499       0.0432437716       0.1957109557
O            0.9166666499       0.2705164898       0.1957109557
O            0.0833333616       0.0439278476       0.4432959913
O            0.0833333616       0.2712005659       0.4432959913
O            0.4166666987       0.0439278476       0.4432959913
O            0.4166666987       0.2712005659       0.4432959913
O            0.7500000358       0.0439278476       0.4432959913
O            0.7500000358       0.2712005659       0.4432959913
O            0.0833333616       0.0697085360       0.9432959456
O            0.0833333616       0.2969812542       0.9432959456
O            0.4166666987       0.0697085360       0.9432959456
O            0.4166666987       0.2969812542       0.9432959456
O            0.7500000358       0.0697085360       0.9432959456
O            0.7500000358       0.2969812542       0.9432959456
O            0.2499999756       0.1833448706       0.5567040168
O            0.2499999756       0.4106176378       0.5567040168
O            0.5833333127       0.1833448706       0.5567040168
O            0.5833333127       0.4106176378       0.5567040168
O            0.9166666499       0.1833448706       0.5567040168
O            0.9166666499       0.4106176378       0.5567040168
O            0.2499999756       0.1575642312       0.0567039630
O            0.2499999756       0.3848369495       0.0567039630
O            0.5833333127       0.1575642312       0.0567039630
O            0.5833333127       0.3848369495       0.0567039630
O            0.9166666499       0.1575642312       0.0567039630
O            0.9166666499       0.3848369495       0.0567039630
O            1.0833333730       0.1568801062       0.3042889987
O            1.0833333730       0.2712005659       0.4432959913
O            1.0833333730       0.3841528245       0.3042889987
O            0.2499999756       0.1575642312       1.0567039711
O            0.2499999756       0.3848369495       1.0567039711
O            0.5833333127       0.1575642312       1.0567039711
O            0.5833333127       0.3848369495       1.0567039711
O            0.9166666499       0.1575642312       1.0567039711
O            1.0833333730       0.0697085360       0.9432959456
O            1.0833333730       0.1840289467       0.8042889530
O            0.9166666499       0.3848369495       1.0567039711
O            1.0833333730       0.4113016649       0.8042889530
O            1.0833333730       0.2969812542       0.9432959456
O           -0.0833333616       0.0703926120       0.6957110094
O           -0.0833333616       0.1833448706       0.5567040168
O           -0.0833333616       0.2976653303       0.6957110094
O           -0.0833333616       0.0432437716       0.1957109557
O           -0.0833333616       0.1575642312       0.0567039630
O            0.0833333616       0.0697085360      -0.0567040625
O           -0.0833333616       0.2705164898       0.1957109557
O           -0.0833333616       0.3848369495       0.0567039630
O            0.0833333616       0.2969812542      -0.0567040625
O            0.4166666987       0.0697085360      -0.0567040625
O            0.4166666987       0.2969812542      -0.0567040625
O            0.7500000358       0.0697085360      -0.0567040625
O            0.7500000358       0.2969812542      -0.0567040625
H            1.0833333730       0.3173223824       0.4090589851
H            0.2499999756       0.2036859987       1.0909409773
H            0.2499999756       0.4309587660       1.0909409773
H            0.5833333127       0.2036859987       1.0909409773
H            0.5833333127       0.4309587660       1.0909409773
H            0.9166666499       0.2036859987       1.0909409773
H            1.0833333730       0.0235867195       0.9090589394
H            0.9166666499       0.4309587660       1.0909409773
H            1.0833333730       0.2508594377       0.9090589394
H           -0.0833333616       0.1372231031       0.5909410230
H           -0.0833333616       0.2036859987       0.0909409692
H            0.0833333616       0.0235867195      -0.0909409692
H           -0.0833333616       0.4309587660       0.0909409692
H            0.0833333616       0.2508594377      -0.0909409692
H            0.4166666987       0.0235867195      -0.0909409692
H            0.4166666987       0.2508594377      -0.0909409692
H            0.7500000358       0.0235867195      -0.0909409692
H            0.7500000358       0.2508594377      -0.0909409692
K_POINTS automatic
3 2 3 0 0 0
      9.1683568954       0.0000000000       0.0000000000
      0.0000000000      20.4246292114       0.0000000000
      0.0000000000       0.0000000000      10.0555229187

Diship Srivastava
Department of Chemistry
IIT(ISM) - Dhanbad
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