Dear Quantum Espresso friends,

Hereafter you will find two pw.x input files: InputFile A and InputFile B.
The files define the same system.
The only difference is that in one of the files the atomic positions are 
to positions within the unit cell and to positions in the middle of the unit 

Thereafter you will find snippets from the corresponding output files: 
OutputFile A
and OutputFile B. The snippets show the detected symmetry by the  __same__ 
executable, namely:
Program PWSCF v.6.3 starts on 23Mar2021 at 13:26:13 for A.
Program PWSCF v.6.3 starts on 23Mar2021 at 17:37:55 for B

Case A detects S_2 symmetry
Case B detects no symmetry

So translation of the structure within unit-cell changes the detected symmetry.

Is there something I could do to seduce pw.x to find the S_2 symmetry in case B 
as well,
besides transforming structure B back to A. 

If not, how can I translate the calculated “ionic+hartree potential” in the 
same way, I have
translated A to B?  


   verbosity        = 'high'
   tprnfor          = .true.
   forc_conv_thr    = 1e-09
   pseudo_dir       = 
   ecutwfc          = 35
   ecutrho          = 560
   occupations      = 'smearing'
   degauss          = 1e-05
   ntyp             = 1
   nat              = 38
   ibrav            = 0
   electron_maxstep = 200
   conv_thr         = 1e-09
   mixing_beta      = 0.3
   startingpot      = 'atomic'
   startingwfc      = 'atomic+random'

Pt 195.084 Pt.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF

K_POINTS automatic
6 9 1  0 0 0

5.62403200000000 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000
0.00000000000000 8.43604800000000 0.00000000000000
0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000 21.20955287898742

Pt 1.4061651002 4.0599411310 -5.7765621345 
Pt 0.0001532941 1.7985387032 -5.2526504899 
Pt 4.2182087563 -0.4283346742 -4.7009783468 
Pt 0.0001642593 -2.6944921967 -4.1391134796 
Pt 1.4061214817 3.3208797727 -3.2112557851 
Pt 0.0000915723 0.9297515096 -2.5916767224 
Pt 4.2180697756 -1.4119961580 -2.0256141024 
Pt 0.0001681387 -3.6890216255 -1.3344432894 
Pt 1.4059482538 2.3757383517 -0.6457302061 
Pt 0.0000214244 0.0000043088 0.0000001310 
Pt 4.2180785861 -2.3757701390 0.6456919793 
Pt -0.0001254110 3.6890210622 1.3344441299 
Pt 1.4059592199 1.4120176059 2.0255905238 
Pt -0.0000516748 -0.9297449833 2.5916824674 
Pt 4.2179139971 -3.3208839102 3.2112850131 
Pt -0.0001088908 2.6944929715 4.1391339215 
Pt 1.4058199721 0.4283047406 4.7009005036 
Pt -0.0001689240 -1.7985466686 5.2526278998 
Pt 4.2178754128 -4.0599850729 5.7766502906 
Pt -1.4058643961 4.0599845309 -5.7766494636 
Pt 2.8121853437 1.7985474679 -5.2526244777 
Pt 1.4061986231 -0.4283048223 -4.7009008877 
Pt 2.8121251844 -2.6944951419 -4.1391305996 
Pt -1.4059029525 3.3208833141 -3.2112851898 
Pt 2.8120672554 0.9297446276 -2.5916778170 
Pt 1.4060647774 -1.4120175477 -2.0255903657 
Pt 2.8121415804 -3.6890202774 -1.3344404060 
Pt -1.4060678415 2.3757703137 -0.6456913229 
Pt 2.8119945756 -0.0000043088 -0.0000001310 
Pt 1.4060730016 -2.3757385264 0.6457295497 
Pt 2.8118476919 3.6890208407 1.3344395655 
Pt -1.4060617729 1.4119960999 2.0256139443 
Pt 2.8119248472 -0.9297511539 2.5916720720 
Pt 1.4058994737 -3.3208791766 3.2112559618 
Pt 2.8118514471 2.6944943671 4.1391101577 
Pt -1.4061953515 0.4283347559 4.7009787310 
Pt 2.8118622861 -1.7985395025 5.2526470679 
Pt 1.4058558831 -4.0599405891 5.7765613074 

InputFile B:

   verbosity        = 'high'
   tprnfor          = .true.
   forc_conv_thr    = 1e-09
   pseudo_dir       = './'
   ecutwfc          = 35
   ecutrho          = 560
   occupations      = 'smearing'
   degauss          = 1e-05
   ntyp             = 1
   nat              = 38
   ibrav            = 0
   electron_maxstep = 200
   conv_thr         = 1e-09
   mixing_beta      = 0.3
   startingpot      = 'atomic'
   startingwfc      = 'atomic+random'

Pt 195.084 Pt.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF

K_POINTS automatic
6 9 1  0 0 0

5.62403200000000 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000
0.00000000000000 8.43604800000000 0.00000000000000
0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000 21.20955287898742

Pt 1.4061436758 4.0599368223 4.8282141739 
Pt 0.0001318697 1.7985343944 5.3521258185 
Pt 4.2181873319 8.0077090170 5.9037979616 
Pt 0.0001428348 5.7415514945 6.4656628288 
Pt 1.4061000572 3.3208754639 7.3935205233 
Pt 0.0000701479 0.9297472008 8.0130995860 
Pt 4.2180483511 7.0240475332 8.5791622060 
Pt 0.0001467143 4.7470220657 9.2703330190 
Pt 1.4059268293 2.3757340429 9.9590461024 
Pt 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 10.6047764395 
Pt 4.2180571617 6.0602735522 11.2504682877 
Pt 5.6238851646 3.6890167534 11.9392204383 
Pt 1.4059377955 1.4120132971 12.6303668322 
Pt 5.6239589008 7.5062987079 13.1964587759 
Pt 4.2178925726 5.1151597810 13.8160613216 
Pt 5.6239016848 2.6944886627 14.7439102300 
Pt 1.4057985477 0.4283004318 15.3056768121 
Pt 5.6238416516 6.6374970226 15.8574042082 
Pt 4.2178539884 4.3760586184 16.3814265991 
Pt 4.2181461795 4.0599802221 4.8281268449 
Pt 2.8121639193 1.7985431591 5.3521518307 
Pt 1.4061771987 8.0077388689 5.9038754207 
Pt 2.8121037600 5.7415485493 6.4656457088 
Pt 4.2181076231 3.3208790053 7.3934911186 
Pt 2.8120458310 0.9297403189 8.0130984914 
Pt 1.4060433530 7.0240261435 8.5791859428 
Pt 2.8121201560 4.7470234138 9.2703359025 
Pt 4.2179427341 2.3757660049 9.9590849856 
Pt 2.8119731512 8.4360393824 10.6047761774 
Pt 1.4060515772 6.0603051649 11.2505058581 
Pt 2.8118262675 3.6890165319 11.9392158740 
Pt 4.2179488027 1.4119917911 12.6303902528 
Pt 2.8119034227 7.5062925373 13.1964483805 
Pt 1.4058780493 5.1151645146 13.8160322703 
Pt 2.8118300227 2.6944900583 14.7438864662 
Pt 4.2178152240 0.4283304471 15.3057550394 
Pt 2.8118408617 6.6375041887 15.8574233764 
Pt 1.4058344587 4.3761031021 16.3813376159 

Symmetry found with InputFile A:

      2 Sym. Ops., with inversion, found

                                    s                        frac. trans.

      isym =  1     identity                                     

 cryst.   s( 1) = (     1          0          0      )
                  (     0          1          0      )
                  (     0          0          1      )

 cart.    s( 1) = (  1.0000000  0.0000000  0.0000000 )
                  (  0.0000000  1.0000000  0.0000000 )
                  (  0.0000000  0.0000000  1.0000000 )

      isym =  2     inversion                                    

 cryst.   s( 2) = (    -1          0          0      )
                  (     0         -1          0      )
                  (     0          0         -1      )

 cart.    s( 2) = ( -1.0000000  0.0000000  0.0000000 )
                  (  0.0000000 -1.0000000  0.0000000 )
                  (  0.0000000  0.0000000 -1.0000000 )

Symmetry found with InputFile B:

     No symmetry found

                                    s                        frac. trans.

      isym =  1     identity                                     

 cryst.   s( 1) = (     1          0          0      )
                  (     0          1          0      )
                  (     0          0          1      )

 cart.    s( 1) = (  1.0000000  0.0000000  0.0000000 )
                  (  0.0000000  1.0000000  0.0000000 )
                  (  0.0000000  0.0000000  1.0000000 )


Met vriendelijke groeten,
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
With kind regards,

Willem Offermans
Researcher Electrocatalysis SCT
VITO NV | Boeretang 200 | 2400 Mol
Phone:+32(0)14335263 Mobile:+32(0)492182073

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