On 06/12/2021 08:59, Lorenzo Paulatto wrote:
Yet it is possible. You need a very goo representation of the Fermi surface in order to identify the possible el-ph processes, but such a fine grid is not required to have good phonons.

Also note that there are at least two QE packages to do el-ph calculation with Wannier interpolation : epik by M Calandra and EPW by F Giustino

Thanks Lorenzo - maybe just for completeness I should add the other two I know of (to 4 altogether - an embarassment of riches...):

Perturbo: https://perturbo-code.github.io/
Phoebe: https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.14999

Also, I do not think epik is available open-source somewhere, correct?



Lorenzo Paulatto - Paris
On Dec 6 2021, at 3:27 am, Elio Physics <elio-phys...@live.com> wrote:

    Dear all,

    As is well known in electron-phonon calculations, one has to do a
    self consistent (scf) calculation over a dense electronic grid
    followed by an scf calculation on a coarse grid.
    The electron phonon calculation is usually performed after
    calculation the vibrational frequencies for each point.

    My question is : If we increase the dense grid, Is it possible (Is
    there a way in QE) to compute the el-ph coefficients without
    recomputing the dynamical files (vibrational frequencies), which
    actually depend on the coarse grid.  This would save a lot of time.

    Thanks in advance

    Ellie Moujaes
    Federal Universil of Rondonia
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