Dear all,
I'm a new PWscf user and I have a question about a relax calculation.

My relax calculation is failed due to following reasons:



Detected 1 oom-kill event(s) in step 32238824.0 c group.

Some of your processes may have been killed by the c group out-of-memory handler.



Can you please tell how to fix this?


My input is:


  calculation = 'relax'

  forc_conv_thr = .01

  outdir = './out/'

  prefix = 'aiida'

  pseudo_dir = './'


  verbosity = 'high'




  ecutrho =   2.4000000000d+02

  ecutwfc =   4.0000000000d+01

  ibrav = 0

  nat = 8

  ntyp = 2











Se     78.96  Se.pbe-n-kjpaw.UPF

Sn     118.71 Sn.pbe-dn-kjpaw.UPF



Se       1.3652600000     1.0475000000     0.4593800000

Se       4.4197400000     3.1425000000     2.6893800000

Se       7.1502600000     1.0475000000     1.7706200000

Se      10.2047400000     3.1425000000     4.0006200000

Sn       9.8923500000     1.0475000000     2.1363400000

Sn       7.4626500000     3.1425000000     4.3663400000

Sn       4.1073500000     1.0475000000     0.0936600000

Sn       1.6776500000     3.1425000000     2.3236600000


K_POINTS automatic

3 6 6 0 0 0



     11.7825374926       0.0000000000       0.0000000000

      0.0000000000       4.2098506178       0.0000000000

      0.0000000000       0.0000000000       4.5605114426



Sourav Das

PhD student

University of Virginia


Sent from Mail for Windows


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