On Mon, Mar 7, 2022 at 2:39 AM Gerson J. Ferreira
<gersonjferre...@ufu.br> wrote:
> Dear QE users,
> I need the matrix representation for the symmetry operators in the basis of 
> the QE bands, so I'm checking how to edit the file sym_band.f90 for this 
> purpose.
> The SUBROUTINE find_band_sym_so already calculates the trace as (loops are 
> implied)
>> trace(iclass,igroup)=trace(iclass,igroup) + DOT_PRODUCT 
>> (evc(:,ibnd),evcr(:,ibnd))
> So, at first I imagined that a simple change would allow me to get the full 
> matrices as (loops are implied)
>> matrep(iclass,igroup,i,j) = DOT_PRODUCT (evc(:,ibnd),evcr(:,jbnd))
> But I've noticed that the traces are "wrong". If I print as
>> PRINT *, 'Class:', name_class_so(iclass)
>> PRINT *, 'Trace:', trace(iclass,igroup)
> Both the trace and the matrices (matrep) above don't match the expected 
> results. For instance, all double group bar-irreps are showing trace = 0.
> In the second part of this subroutine, where the code identifies the symmetry 
> representations, I don't understand some of the IFs there, and the meaning of 
> the variable "shift". So I guess I'm misreading something.
> Could someone help me understand what I am doing wrong?

First, the method implemented in "./PP/src/sym_band.f90" is just a
rough partial implementation, as indicated by the comment in the above
source code file:

SUBROUTINE find_band_sym_so (ik,evc,et,nsym,s,ft,d_spin,gk, &

  !   This subroutine finds the irreducible representations of the
  !   double group which give the transformation properties of the
  !   spinor wavefunctions evc.
  !   Presently it does NOT work at zone border if the space group of
  !   the crystal has fractionary translations (non-symmorphic space groups).

2. As an alternative, if I understand correctly, the following
packages are currently available for this purpose, as discussed here

A.  https://github.com/qeirreps/qeirreps
B. https://github.com/stepan-tsirkin/irrep

[1] https://github.com/goodluck1982/SpaceGroupIrep/issues/6

Assoc. Prof. Hongsheng Zhao <hongyi.z...@gmail.com>
Theory and Simulation of Materials
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