Dear Elie,

You were almost there! Try adding literally what is suggested, i.e. “-pd .true.”

Lorenzo Bastonero 

Inviato da iPhone

> Il giorno 9 nov 2022, alle ore 15:08, Elio Physics <> ha 
> scritto:
> Dear all,
> I have been running some calculations on a supercomputer with some 
> constraints on the number of processors I can run QE. I am faced with the 
> error:
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>      Error in routine  fft_type_set (6):
>   there are processes with no planes. Use pencil decomposition (-pd .true.)
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> How do I tell the code to use the pencil decomposition? I have tried adding 
> -pd to the 'mpirun' an adding use_pd=.true. in the PW inout but in vain.
> Thanks in advance
> Elie Moujaes
> Adjunct professor
> Federal University of Rondonia
> Brazil.
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