Dear QE expert,

I am writing to inquire about a phonon self-consistent calculation issue that I 
am facing. Specifically, my system is currently being calculated up to the 
fourth Q-point, but I am unable to continue with the self-consistent 
calculation beyond this point. After stopping the calculation, I tried to 
recover the calculation using the "recover=.true." command, but after running 
for almost a day, there was still no output. the last lines of ph.out are as 

    Representation    14      1 modes 
-  To be done

     Representation    15      1 modes 
-  To be done

     Representation    16      1 modes 
-  To be done

     Representation    17      1 modes 
-  To be done

     Representation    18      1 modes 
-  To be done

and then no  output for a long time.And there were over 1400 lines of 
output previously, is this normal??

I  am wondering if this issue might be due to a memory overflow, or if 
there could be other reasons for the calculation's failure to complete. I 
believe there are no issues with the input file since the calculation up to the 
third Q-point was successful.

Could you please advise me on how to proceed? Do you require any additional 
input/output files from me to investigate the issue further? Thank you for your 

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