
I don’t know this system, but have you had a look at the structure for instance 
with xcrysden? It is like if you want to simulate a surface in the z-direction 
but with a very small vacuum. In addition, some distances look short, for 
instance Ni-Ni=1.42 angs. Is it normal?

Maybe check first the structure if it is what you really want.


> Le 24 avr. 2023 à 20:44, Marcelo Albuquerque <marcelofi...@id.uff.br> a écrit 
> :
> Dear all,
> I'm trying to do a relaxation run for this system. However, I'm facing many 
> SCF convergence problems, which I'm trying to circumvent them with no 
> success. The "total energy" oscillates too much over the whole number of 
> electronic steps (SCF steps). I have tried to change the mixing_mode and 
> mixing_beta, as well as different pseudopotentials, but none have worked.
> The calculations I've found in the literature for this kind of system use 
> VASP, and I am using the same parameters as the one in this work 
> (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ensm.2021.08.005 
> <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ensm.2021.08.005>). I have to say that none of the 
> work I've seen so far shows the number of k-points used in their simulations.
> Here is a copy of the input parameters:
> &control
>        calculation = 'relax' ,
>        restart_mode = 'from_scratch' ,
>        wf_collect = .true. ,
>        outdir = './' ,
>        wfcdir = './' ,
>        pseudo_dir = '../../pseudos' ,
>        prefix = 'NMC_ferr' ,
>        verbosity = 'high' ,
>        tprnfor = .true. ,
>        tstress = .true. ,
>        forc_conv_thr = 1.0D-4 ,
>        etot_conv_thr = 5.0D-7 ,
>        nstep = 300 ,
>        dt = 10.d0 ,
> /
> &system
>        ibrav = 0
>        nat = 144,
>        ntyp = 5,
>        ecutwfc = 38.25
>        nbnd = 700,
>        input_dft = 'pbe',
>        vdw_corr = 'grimme-d3',
>       ! lda_plus_u = .TRUE.,
>       ! lda_plus_u_kind = 0,
>       ! Hubbard_U(2) = 5.96,
>       ! Hubbard_U(3) = 5.96,
>       ! Hubbard_U(4) = 5.00,
>       ! Hubbard_U(5) = 5.00,
>       ! Hubbard_U(6) = 5.10,
>       ! Hubbard_U(7) = 5.10,
>       ! U_projection_type = 'atomic',
>        occupations = 'smearing',
>        smearing = 'mp',
>        degauss = 0.015,
>       ! nspin = 2,
>       ! starting_magnetization(2) = 2.25,
>       ! starting_magnetization(3) = 2.25,
>       ! starting_magnetization(4) = 2.25,
>       ! starting_magnetization(5) = 2.25,
>       ! starting_magnetization(6) = 2.25,
>       ! starting_magnetization(7) = 2.25,
>       ! starting_magnetization(1) = 0.6,
>       ! starting_magnetization(8) = 0.6
> /
> &electrons
>           electron_maxstep = 600,
>           conv_thr = 1.D-5 ,
>           startingwfc = 'atomic+random' ,
>           mixing_mode = 'local-TF',
>           mixing_beta = 0.1D0 ,
>           mixing_ndim = 8,
>           diagonalization = 'david' ,
> /
> &ions
>         ion_dynamics = 'bfgs' ,
>         ion_positions = 'default' ,
>         pot_extrapolation = 'second_order' ,
>         wfc_extrapolation = 'second_order' ,
>         upscale = 100 ,
> /
> &cell
>         press = 0.0,
>         cell_dynamics = 'bfgs' ,
>         cell_dofree = 'all' ,
> /
> Li      6.94     Li.pbe-s-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
> Ni      58.693   Ni.pbe-spn-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
> Co      58.933   Co.pbe-spn-kjpaw_psl.0.3.1.UPF
> Mn      59.938   Mn.pbe-spn-kjpaw_psl.0.3.1.UPF
> O       15.999   O.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
> ATOMIC_POSITIONS { angstrom }
> Li  0.00000000  3.46692995  1.99177730
> O  0.00000000  1.73319372  0.98867906
> O  1.50092064  4.33463450  0.98897772
> O  0.00000000  3.46781950  4.93425367
> O  0.00000000  0.00036671  2.96115442
> Ni  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000
> Li  1.50092064  0.86914534  1.99317659
> Ni  1.50092064  2.60039542  -0.00008728
> O  1.50092064  2.60119919  2.96118098
> Li  0.00000000  0.00033256  5.91742907
> O  1.50092064  0.86689659  4.93424783
> Co  0.00000000  1.73415774  3.94807870
> Li  1.50092064  2.60072798  5.91734178
> O  0.00000000  1.73363647  6.90042989
> O  0.00000000  0.00029840  8.87370371
> Ni  1.50092064  4.33439558  3.94747746
> Li  0.00000000  1.73452601  9.84290626
> O  1.50092064  2.60025677  8.87350259
> O  1.50092064  4.33455937  6.90043573
> Ni  0.00000000  3.46729823  7.88660487
> Li  1.50092064  4.33231062  9.84150698
> O  0.00000000  3.46826225  10.84600450
> Ni  1.50092064  0.86706038  7.88720611
> O  1.50092064  0.86682146  10.84570585
> Li  3.00184216  3.46692995  1.99177730
> O  3.00184216  1.73319372  0.98867906
> O  4.50276279  4.33463450  0.98897772
> O  3.00184216  3.46781950  4.93425367
> O  3.00184216  0.00036671  2.96115442
> Mn  3.00184216  0.00000000  0.00000000
> Li  4.50276279  0.86914534  1.99317659
> Ni  4.50276279  2.60039542  -0.00008728
> O  4.50276279  2.60119919  2.96118098
> Li  3.00184216  0.00033256  5.91742907
> O  4.50276279  0.86689659  4.93424783
> Ni  3.00184216  1.73415774  3.94807870
> Li  4.50276279  2.60072798  5.91734178
> O  3.00184216  1.73363647  6.90042989
> O  3.00184216  0.00029840  8.87370371
> Ni  4.50276279  4.33439558  3.94747746
> Li  3.00184216  1.73452601  9.84290626
> O  4.50276279  2.60025677  8.87350259
> O  4.50276279  4.33455937  6.90043573
> Ni  3.00184216  3.46729823  7.88660487
> Li  4.50276279  4.33231062  9.84150698
> O  3.00184216  3.46826225  10.84600450
> Mn  4.50276279  0.86706038  7.88720611
> O  4.50276279  0.86682146  10.84570585
> Li  6.00368431  3.46692995  1.99177730
> O  6.00368431  1.73319372  0.98867906
> O  7.50460495  4.33463450  0.98897772
> O  6.00368431  3.46781950  4.93425367
> O  6.00368431  0.00036671  2.96115442
> Ni  6.00368431  0.00000000  0.00000000
> Li  7.50460495  0.86914534  1.99317659
> Ni  7.50460495  2.60039542  -0.00008728
> O  7.50460495  2.60119919  2.96118098
> Li  6.00368431  0.00033256  5.91742907
> O  7.50460495  0.86689659  4.93424783
> Ni  6.00368431  1.73415774  3.94807870
> Li  7.50460495  2.60072798  5.91734178
> O  6.00368431  1.73363647  6.90042989
> O  6.00368431  0.00029840  8.87370371
> Ni  7.50460495  4.33439558  3.94747746
> Li  6.00368431  1.73452601  9.84290626
> O  7.50460495  2.60025677  8.87350259
> O  7.50460495  4.33455937  6.90043573
> Ni  6.00368431  3.46729823  7.88660487
> Li  7.50460495  4.33231062  9.84150698
> O  6.00368431  3.46826225  10.84600450
> Ni  7.50460495  0.86706038  7.88720611
> O  7.50460495  0.86682146  10.84570585
> Li  0.00000000  8.66772001  1.99160133
> O  0.00000000  6.93398378  0.98850310
> O  1.50092064  9.53542456  0.98880175
> O  0.00000000  8.66860956  4.93407770
> O  0.00000000  5.20115678  2.96097846
> Ni  0.00000000  5.20079006  -0.00017597
> Li  1.50092064  6.06993540  1.99300062
> Ni  1.50092064  7.80118548  -0.00026325
> O  1.50092064  7.80198925  2.96100501
> Li  0.00000000  5.20112262  5.91725310
> O  1.50092064  6.06768665  4.93407186
> Ni  0.00000000  6.93494780  3.94790273
> Li  1.50092064  7.80151804  5.91716582
> O  0.00000000  6.93442653  6.90025393
> O  0.00000000  5.20108846  8.87352774
> Ni  1.50092064  9.53518564  3.94730149
> Li  0.00000000  6.93531608  9.84273030
> O  1.50092064  7.80104683  8.87332662
> O  1.50092064  9.53534943  6.90025977
> Ni  0.00000000  8.66808829  7.88642890
> Li  1.50092064  9.53310068  9.84133101
> O  0.00000000  8.66905231  10.84582853
> Ni  1.50092064  6.06785044  7.88703014
> O  1.50092064  6.06761152  10.84552988
> Li  3.00184216  8.66772001  1.99160133
> O  3.00184216  6.93398378  0.98850310
> O  4.50276279  9.53542456  0.98880175
> O  3.00184216  8.66860956  4.93407770
> O  3.00184216  5.20115678  2.96097846
> Ni  3.00184216  5.20079006  -0.00017597
> Li  4.50276279  6.06993540  1.99300062
> Ni  4.50276279  7.80118548  -0.00026325
> O  4.50276279  7.80198925  2.96100501
> Li  3.00184216  5.20112262  5.91725310
> O  4.50276279  6.06768665  4.93407186
> Mn  3.00184216  6.93494780  3.94790273
> Li  4.50276279  7.80151804  5.91716582
> O  3.00184216  6.93442653  6.90025393
> O  3.00184216  5.20108846  8.87352774
> Ni  4.50276279  9.53518564  3.94730149
> Li  3.00184216  6.93531608  9.84273030
> O  4.50276279  7.80104683  8.87332662
> O  4.50276279  9.53534943  6.90025977
> Ni  3.00184216  8.66808829  7.88642890
> Li  4.50276279  9.53310068  9.84133101
> O  3.00184216  8.66905231  10.84582853
> Mn  4.50276279  6.06785044  7.88703014
> O  4.50276279  6.06761152  10.84552988
> Li  6.00368431  8.66772001  1.99160133
> O  6.00368431  6.93398378  0.98850310
> O  7.50460495  9.53542456  0.98880175
> O  6.00368431  8.66860956  4.93407770
> O  6.00368431  5.20115678  2.96097846
> Ni  6.00368431  5.20079006  -0.00017597
> Li  7.50460495  6.06993540  1.99300062
> Ni  7.50460495  7.80118548  -0.00026325
> O  7.50460495  7.80198925  2.96100501
> Li  6.00368431  5.20112262  5.91725310
> O  7.50460495  6.06768665  4.93407186
> Ni  6.00368431  6.93494780  3.94790273
> Li  7.50460495  7.80151804  5.91716582
> O  6.00368431  6.93442653  6.90025393
> O  6.00368431  5.20108846  8.87352774
> Co  7.50460495  9.53518564  3.94730149
> Li  6.00368431  6.93531608  9.84273030
> O  7.50460495  7.80104683  8.87332662
> O  7.50460495  9.53534943  6.90025977
> Ni  6.00368431  8.66808829  7.88642890
> Li  7.50460495  9.53310068  9.84133101
> O  6.00368431  8.66905231  10.84582853
> Ni  7.50460495  6.06785044  7.88703014
> O  7.50460495  6.06761152  10.84552988
> K_POINTS automatic
> 4 4 2 1 1 1
> !K_POINTS gamma
> CELL_PARAMETERS { angstrom }
>      8.64550000        0.00000000        0.00000000
>      0.00000000        8.64550000        0.00000000
>      0.00000000        0.00000000       14.20700000
> I hope to get any feedback from you and really appreciate it in advance.
> Kind regards,
> Marcelo Albuquerque
> Postdoc at Angstrom Laboratory
> Department of Chemistry - Structural Chemistry
> Uppsala University - Sweden
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Pascal Boulet
Professor in computational materials chemistry - DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY
University of Aix-Marseille - Avenue Escadrille Normandie Niemen - F-13013 
Marseille - FRANCE
Tél: +33(0)4 13 55 18 10 - Fax : +33(0)4 13 55 18 50
Email : pascal.bou...@univ-amu.fr <mailto:pascal.bou...@univ-amu.fr>

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The Quantum ESPRESSO community stands by the Ukrainian
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