Dear Quantum ESPRESSO community,

A few places are still available to attend the advanced Quantum ESPRESSO school 
in Pavia, August 28 - September 1. The deadline for applications has thus been 
extended to June 4. We would also like to remark that there is no registration 
fee. Please see the updated ad below.

Dates: 28 August - 1 September 2023
Format: In person
Location: University of Pavia (Italy)
Extended deadline for applications: 4 June 2023
Participation fee: free of charge
Sponsors: Psi-k, CECAM, MaX, NCCR MARVEL
Website of the event: <>
We are happy to announce a new edition of the “Advanced Quantum ESPRESSO 
school: Hubbard and Koopmans functionals from linear response” that is being 
organized (fully in presence) in Pavia - Italy, from August 28th to September 
1st. This is the second school on the topic after a very successful and 
exciting first edition held (virtually) in 2022.

The goal of the school is to introduce PhD students, postdocs, and junior 
scientists to the use of advanced functionals, such as extended Hubbard and 
Koopmans, aimed at modelling complex materials and properties.The school will 
cover a variety of topics, including:

  *   Density functional theory, density functional perturbation theory and 
some of their applications
  *   Hubbard and Koopmans functionals, theoretical framework and applications
  *   AiiDA as a computational infrastructure for high-throughput and automated 
The 4.5 days program will be articulated in theoretical lectures (mornings), 
hands-on tutorials using the Quantum ESPRESSO and AiiDA software platforms 
(afternoons), and keynote lectures.
For any questions, reach us at:

Keynote speakers:
 (Sorbonne Université, France)
Matteo Calandra<> 
(University of Trento, Italy)
Silvia Picozzi<> 
(CNR-SPIN, Italy)
Davide Sangalli<> (Istituto 
di Struttura della materia (ISM -CNR), Italy)
Ivano Castelli<> (DTU, 

Paolo Giannozzi<> 
(University of Udine, Italy)
Davide Ceresoli<> 
(University of Milan, Italy)
Nicola Marzari<> (EPFL and PSI, 
Pietro Delugas<> (SISSA, Italy)
Guido Fratesi<> (University of 
Milan, Italy)
Antimo Marrazzo<> (University of Trieste, Italy)
Stefano de Gironcoli<> (SISSA, 
Samuel Poncé<> (UCLouvain, Belgium)
Lorenzo Monacelli<> (EPFL, 
Andrea Floris<> (Lincoln University, UK)
Tommaso Chiarotti<> (EPFL, Switzerland)
Ismaila Dabo<> (Penn State 
University, USA)
Marija Stojkovic<> (EPFL, 
Edward Linscott<> (EPFL, Switzerland)
Christopher Sewell<> (EPFL, 
Iurii Timrov<> (EPFL, Switzerland)
Nicola Colonna<> (PSI, 
Andrea Ferretti<> (CNR Modena, Italy)
Matteo Cococcioni<> 
(University of Pavia, Italy)

The organizers,
Matteo Cococcioni, Nicola Colonna, Iurii Timrov, and Andrea Ferretti
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