Dear zhouchao,

in the output file of ph.out with 'electron_phonon'= 'interpolated' or 'simple' 
you should already have the values of both gamma and lambda, with the 
corresponding unit of measure. You can find the same information inside 
elph_dir/elph.inp_lambda*, one for each q point.

Note that gamma has the unit of measure of frequency, and in QE is reported in 
GHz, while lambda is adimensional.

Hope this help


Chiara Cignarella

PhD student


Da: users <> per conto di zhouchao via 
users <>
Inviato: mercoled?? 29 novembre 2023 15:02:23
A: users
Oggetto: [QE-users] the units of the phonon linewidth

Dear Quantum ESPRESSO Experts,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to seek clarification on the 
units of the phonon linewidth, specifically within the elph.gamma* output in 

Could you kindly confirm whether the units of the phonon linewidth in 
elph.gamma* are expressed in THz? I have been using the formula ??qv = ??qv / 
(??hN(EF)??qv^2) to calculate the electron-phonon coupling constant for a 
specific mode, and I obtained a value of 28 for ??qv. I would appreciate your 
expertise in assessing the reasonableness of this result.

Your guidance on this matter would be immensely valuable to my research, and I 
thank you in advance for your time and assistance.

Best regards,

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