Dear Jayraj,

adding to what Lorenzo already replied, P and V as well as E and T are conjugated quantities: if you fix one the other fluctuates (of an amount \propto 1/sqrt N that vanishes in the thermodynamic limit).

so you can have NVE simulations where the average kinetic energy is related to the system temperature but fluctuates in time, or using a thermostat you can fix the system temperature (sampling NVT ensemble) but you give up energy conservation.

the same for V and P, you can have NVT and NPT, or NVE and NPH (because the conserved quantity is in this case the enthalpy). The larger the system the smaller the fluctuations but for finite number of particles the fluctuations are always present (and the thermostats and barostats do have their own degrees of freedom whose contribution become negligible in the thermodynamic limit).


On 16/03/24 13:56, Lorenzo Paulatto wrote:
On 16/03/2024 12:17, Jayraj Anadani wrote:
hello Paulatto,
but in cell_dynamics all options for pressure control are for vc-md and vc-relax. and i want to control pressure during ion_temperature=reduce-T option.

Dear Jayraj,

it is not very clear what you want to do. You can have constant NVT, or NVE or NPT, or NPE. But it looks to me that you want constant instantaneous P and V, which is impossible as P is a macroscopic quantity, it only makes sense on average.

kind regards

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