Dear Sir/Madam,

After generating k points grid with open_grid.x, when i do pw2wan, i
encounter an error  like
 numk=         144  iknum=          38

     Error in routine pw2wannier90 (144):
     Wrong number of k-points

The input file is attached here,

  calculation = 'scf'
  !etot_conv_thr =   1.0000000000d-05
  !forc_conv_thr =   1.0000000000d-04
  outdir = './out/'
  prefix = 'vse2'
  pseudo_dir = '/scratch/saransha/'
  !tprnfor = .true.
  !tstress = .true.
  verbosity = 'high'

  celldm(1)=6.3780335403d0, celldm(3)=4.4442995932d0,
  nspin = 2
  Hubbard_U(1) = 2,
  lda_plus_u        = .true.,
  lda_plus_u_kind   =  0,
  U_projection_type = 'ortho-atomic'
  occupations = 'smearing'
  smearing = 'gaussian'
  starting_magnetization(1) =   3.8461538462d-01


  V   50.9415 V.pbe-spnl-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
 Se   78.96  Se.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF

V            -0.0000000000       -0.0000000000        0.5000000952
Se            0.3333336793        0.6666673581        0.3937813351
Se            0.3333336782        0.6666673567        0.6062186649

K_POINTS automatic
12 12 1 0 0 0

Waiting for your kind response

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