Dear users,

I am interested in calculating charge distribution due to O-2p states at the valence band maxima in ZnO (wurtzite structure) in the [001] plane. I have gone through the examples in the PP directory of the package, but I could not find any example directly related to the problem. I have tried to run some calculations but I am not sure whether they are correct. I have attached the input files below.

I request you to provide me with some assistance on how to perform these calculations. It will be very helpful for my work.

Arini Kar
PhD student
Dept of Energy Sci. and Engg.
IIT Bombay
    prefix = 'zno' ,
    outdir = './out' ,
    filplot = 'psi2' ,
    plot_num = 7 ,
    kpoint(1) = 1 ,
    kband(1) = 26 ,
    iflag = 2 ,
    output_format = 7 ,
    fileout = 'psi2_vb.gnu' ,
    e1(1) = 1 , e1(2) = 0 , e1(3) = 0 ,
    e2(1) = 0 , e2(2) = 1 , e2(3) = 0 ,
    nx = 100 ,
    ny = 100 ,
                       title = 'zno' ,
                      prefix = 'zno'
                 calculation = 'scf' ,
                restart_mode = 'from_scratch'
                   verbosity = 'high' ,
                      outdir = './out' ,
                  pseudo_dir = '/home/arini/Documents/QE_pseudopotentials' ,
                       ibrav = 0 ,
                    celldm(1)= 6.17562500 ,
                         nat = 4 ,
                        ntyp = 2 ,
!                        nbnd = 50 ,
                     ecutwfc = 80 ,
                     ecutrho = 320 ,
                 occupations = 'tetrahedra' ,
                         nr1 = 72 ,
                         nr2 = 72 ,
                         nr3 = 120 ,
            electron_maxstep = 500 ,
                    conv_thr = 1.0d-9 ,
                 mixing_mode = 'plain' ,
                 mixing_beta = 0.7 ,
             diagonalization = 'david' ,
   1.004191659  -0.000000045   0.000000052
  -0.502095869   0.869655148   0.000000059
   0.000000084   0.000000158   1.614625826
   Zn    65.380   Zn_oncvpsp_fr.upf  
    O    15.999   O_oncvpsp_fr.upf

Zn            1.6408938182        0.9474243647        2.6445319287
Zn            0.0000476474        1.8947736012        0.0062767924
O             1.6408951208        0.9474316679        4.6505287869
O             0.0000470779        1.8947677430        2.0122770639
K_POINTS automatic
12 12 8  0 0 0
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