#rdo: RDO meeting - 2023-02-08

Meeting started by amoralej at 14:02:01 UTC.  The full logs are

Meeting summary

* roll call  (amoralej, 14:02:24)

* antelope is coming  (amoralej, 14:06:05)
  * LINK: https://releases.openstack.org/antelope/schedule.html
    (amoralej, 14:06:21)
  * this week is final release for non-client libraries  (amoralej,
  * next week is requirements freeze  (amoralej, 14:07:10)
  * ACTION: karolinku[m] will propose improvements on distgit branching
    automation  (amoralej, 14:14:47)
  * ACTION: jcapitao will create a rdo-tools container that we can use
    to simplify the reldel work  (amoralej, 14:24:43)
  * LINK: https://www.rdoproject.org/documentation/branching/
    (amoralej, 14:39:27)
  * ACTION: jcapitao[m] and karolinku[m] to document the workflow from
    new releases  (amoralej, 14:43:19)

* open floor  (amoralej, 14:45:44)
  * LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOd0MJBm9ZM  (karolinku[m],
  * you can see karolinku[m] presentation about RDO in CentOS Connect in
    https://youtu.be/AOd0MJBm9ZM?t=5543  (amoralej, 14:52:38)
  * ACTION: karolinku[m] will chair next meeting  (amoralej, 14:55:47)

Meeting ended at 14:56:39 UTC.

People present (lines said)

* amoralej (84)
* jcapitao[m] (43)
* karolinku[m] (24)
* opendevmeet (5)

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