Claudio Kuenzler wrote:
> Hi Tobiah,
> Hey list
> I slightly remember that a question similar to this has already been
> discussed in the list.
> I also remember that most users were against this, and I personally
> agreed with that for several reasons:
> a) Unwanted read message: If you hit delete when opened an e-mail and
> the next or previous e-mail is shown, you may have wanted to read that
> particular e-mail later but it will now appear as unread. You have to
> manually set it as unread again back in the Inbox overview.

In the upcoming version 0.4-beta (will be released later today) there are
config options available for all what you're requesting here. Even with 0.3
you can choose whether to have a preview pane and we just added an option
where one can specify whether messages viewed in the preview pane are
automatically marked as read and after how many seconds this should happen.
> b) Security/Anti-Spam: What if the next/previous e-mail is a spam e-mail
> or worse contains a virus? Roundcube has the possibility to block
> external content (like images, scripts, and so on) but it is also
> possible that a virus was received from a mail address being part in
> your address book. Depending on the setting, this e-mail will be fully
> shown, including external contents.

There's another option (in section "Displaying Messages") where one can set
whether the next message in row should be opened when moving or deleting
the current message. This option applies in both the preview pane and the
full message view mode.
> c) Overview: Now this one is more a personal question. Many people like
> it to go back to overview before opening a new e-mail. You're slower
> treating your mails like this, but you have more overview.
> Although you see that I'm FOR keeping it the way it actually is, I agree
> that a switch in the configuration file would be a good idea. This
> switch could define the standard behavior when having opened an e-mail
> (either go back to Inbox/Folder view or load next mail).

I think there's no need to change any behavior of Roundcube since all these
different use cases are already covered. All you need to do is choosing the
right settings.

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