On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 11:14 AM, Charles Marcus
<cmar...@media-brokers.com> wrote:
> It would be nice for those of use who don't have te time and/or skills
> to manage our own subversion server if the devs would simply release
> more beta builds using the stable trunk builds as they are identified -
> which is kindof the point of betas, isn't it? It would provide a lot
> more exposure and potential bug reports if this would happen.
> Of course, I'm not really complaining - if time/resources don't permit
> (how many roundcube devs are there? I imagine they all have full time
> jobs, etc), then we get what we get... :)

Agreed. It's not ideal for me to have to test these out until I find a
stable version. I manage multiple servers, but it's not really in my
job description to test out development versions to find a stable
release. If I find time, it may be what I have to do, but I don't
right now.

Brad Landis
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/users/

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