On Fri, 09 Mar 2012 11:23:51 +0100, A.L.E.C wrote:
On 09.03.2012 11:14, Jacek Osiecki wrote:
Of course, then it needs to be applied on list.js - i did it manually. As I understand, there is no chance to use localization in javascript - so maybe instead of "Selected messages:" there should be just something
like "["+this.selection.length+"]"...
Could RC developers apply it to the official release?
This doesn't work properly when you select all messages in a folder (not
on the page). This works only for drag&drop. What with move to Trash
with delete key?
So, it's not complete.

I'm not sure if I get it right... but what I wanted to get is to see how
many messages I'm dragging to another folder - nothing else :)
I know it's not perfect - if I want to delete by pressing DEL key, I would
need to drag the messages first in order to see the number of messages.
But my solution is very easy to apply, does what I wanted to have and doesn't interfere with any other functionality... just gives one more usable information
to the user...

By the way, I have found the place responsible for handling doubleclick. I could of course disable the "this.show_message(uid, false, false);" code behaviour for dblclick or change the speed of dblclick to some insane values, but I don't want to do it to all users. I'm thinking of making it dependant on per-user settings, so as I assume I should create new user-definable variable like 'dbclick_open_msg' and
use it in js as this.env.dbclick_open_msg?

Jacek Osiecki
Silvercube s.c.
ul. Makuszyńskiego 4, 31-752 Kraków
tel/fax: +48 (12) 684 21 00
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