Claudio Kuenzler wrote:
> Yes.... if you had told us you use twice the same domain, we'd have told
> you from the begin its absolutely normal that your cookie session gets kicked.
> For sessions/cookies always use subdomains to distinguish different webapps.

It would also work with one host but with paths (not ports!). Then you need
to configures the default cookie path used by PHP from / to /mywebmail1 and
/mywebmail2 on these two installations. This can be done in the .htaccess file.


> On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 3:00 PM, Nelson Serafica <
> <>> wrote:
>     Ok I think I got the issue. I forgot to mention how I'm accessing the url
>     RC1 -
>     RC2 -
>     I created a virtual domain in RC1
>     And was now able to login without being kick out on RC2 using the
>     virtual domain.

Right, because now the browser can manage two distinct cookies.

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