On 20.04.2012 15:32, Achim wrote:

>> Works for me.
> ... because you slightly altered the test case ;-)

No, I just copied your test case.

> FN:test test2
> EMAIL;type=INTERNET;type=OTHER:t...@example.com
> works fine, just like your example does. This card does not work:
> FN:test
> EMAIL;type=INTERNET;type=OTHER:t...@example.com
> Please note that FN consists of only 1 "word" or element. This is also
> true for the 6 cards that I cannot import: so the problem is not the
> missing N: value [1], but the fact that FN: only has 1 element.
> This could be a hidden assumption or an array handling issue somewhere,
> or is "FN:" required to have 2+ values?
> Thank you in advance, Achim
> [1] Which in itself is perhaps a side effect from RC trying to generate
> N: by assuming a "2-value FN:"?

Yes. All of this because you have both surname and firstname in
required_fields definition. Here one doesn't exist, that's why the
contact isn't imported. The logic is in rcube_ldap::validate() method.

I'm not sure we should do exception for import.

Aleksander 'A.L.E.C' Machniak
LAN Management System Developer [http://lms.org.pl]
Roundcube Webmail Developer  [http://roundcube.net]
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