Am 23.04.2012 18:15, schrieb Thomas Bruederli:
> Michael Heydekamp wrote:

>> Am I missing something or is it indeed not possible in RC 0.7.2 to invoke a
>> string search in the body (and ONLY in the body) of a message...?


> Prepend your search term with "body:" in the search field. That should do
> the trick.

It does indeed, works for me. Although it's surprising me that particularly
this option (probably the most required one) does not exist in the drop-down
list of all search options yet. Which reminds me to:

Am 23.04.2012 18:17, schrieb Reindl Harald:

> ouch - you can not tell this a typical pc user, really :-)

Well, if the PC user is old enough and familiar with DOS 3.3, he should be
able to deal with it. I'd be more concerned about the MAC users. :-> (No
offense, Thomas!)

BTW: In the middle of composing this message, all of a sudden I got a
session timeout again. :-(
Michael Heydekamp
Roundcube Users mailing list

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