Am 10.09.2012 17:36, schrieb Ron George:
> Could anyone tell me how to get off this infernal mailing list. 

the same way you subscribed

and no this is NOT a INTERNAL list, it is the users list
maybe you did not understand the context "user" from
the software point of view

> I have repeatedly asked to be deleted but no response

because nobody can help you or most people ignore users
hijacking threads and ignoring any guidelines

if someone is able to subscribe he should aslo able to unsubscribe

so why do you NOT rklick on the link in the list-footer?

EACH mailing-list on this planet has a welcome message
WHY do people not read and throw away anyting?

additionally EACH mail of ANY mailing-list contains a header:

List-Unsubscribe: <>,

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