On Sat, 2012-12-29 at 19:18 -0500, Robert Moskowitz wrote:

> > > > <Directory "/usr/share/roundcube">
> > > >   php_admin_flag session.cookie_secure "1"
> > > > <Directory>
> > 
> > 
> > If you use multiple virtual hosts, you dont need to put it inside a
> > directory, you can put it in between<virtualhost> ...
> > </virtualhost>  
> The few servers I have, each virtual host has its own .conf file with
> <virtualhost> ... </virtualhost> framework, so I don't see how I would
> benefit this way, just have to include this line in each that uses
> SSL.

I didn't imply anything different, if you have individual conf files per
vhost (and it doesnt mater if its that way or all in one big conf file),
your example places the flag inside a Directory statement, I pointed
out, it doesn't need to be in the Directory statement, in the normal
part of the vhost config statement is fine, in fact, it's preferred.

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