Am 07.11.2013 20:22, schrieb Thomas Bruederli:
> Michael Heydekamp wrote:
>> Hmm, shouldn't we better call it "Templates" or something? I mean, when
>> composing a message, it is not necessarily a "response".
> Templates might trigger wrong assumptions. Those are not message templates
> as some email systems offer them but just text snippets.

I'm not that much familiar with those "some email systems": What's the
difference between a "template" and a "text snippet"?

What RC does provide here, would be called "Textbausteine" in German, right? translates this as "boilerplates" - may be correct, but doesn't
sound good to me.

> The term "Responses" is inspired from Postbox (a Thunderbird clone) which
> names them the very same and from Gmail which has the "Canned Responses"
> feature.

Ah, I've seen this term "Canned responses" here somewhere already (most
likely in the SVN list). Didn't tell me anything before...

> And finally, I think the most common use-case for these is to "respond"
> with some saved boilerplate texts to recurring questions you get from
> stupid users or customers.

Ah, there we have the term "boilerplate" again... Well, if this appears to
be the correct equivalent to "Textbaustein", why not calling it
"boilerplate" then...?

(To be honest, I'm more interested in the German term anyway ;)).

Michael Heydekamp
Roundcube Users mailing list

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