Steve Lindemann skrev den 2014-01-16 21:46:
when we click on "Filters" under "Settings" we get the message:
"Unable to connect to server" (which makes perfect sense since it
isn't listening (yet)).

oh :=)

From what I've been able to find on configuring pigeonhole
(sieve/managesieve) for dovecot I need to use either LDA or LMTP as
the delivery agent.

did you try horde ?, got tired of it ?

horde ingo supports procmail and sieve, just not at the same time :=)

 We use procmail as the mail delivery agent.

procmail can use dovecot-lda as delivery agent with some options to make dovecot-lda put into special folders, but why is the gras over the sea more nice then what is on your own garden ? :=)

Which brings me to my questions:

as you did alrady show above you have no question

Does anyone know a way to configure dovecot and roundcubemail to work
with procmail

if you make it work, please dokument it

and still be able to use the managesieve plugin for
message filtering?

if you really like to chain a train with postfix > procmail > dovecot-lda > pigenhole > mailbox folder why not do it ?

but i think you really end with postfix > dovecot-lda > pigenhole > mailbox folder, since default procmail is more or less just for unix accounts, but as noted horde ingo make it work with virtual users

If so, how?

google horde ingo ?

Or is there another option to do message filtering in roundcubemail
that doesn't rely on installing pigeonhole for dovecot?

maybe you like to use full horde if roundcube is not doing well for your needs ?

What would
that be?

horde is free, but it could end in a mess more or less, and when php changes, you dont get support if you need help with upgrade horde to fix it, i did once pay atention to horde, but lost intrest of this problem in support

i dont like to pay more

Or do I have to bite the bullet and stop using procmail?

it entirely depends on your needs

system summary:
installed roundcubemail v0.9.5 using yum under centos 6.5
installed managesieve v6.2 from a tar ball
using postfix for smtp
using dovecot (w/pigeonhole) for pop/imap

and how well the precompiled problems is supported to your needs
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