Ben Schmidt wrote:
> On 7/10/14 4:00 PM, wrote:
>> wrote:
>>> im having a lot of difficulty getting RC to work in debian jessie and
>>> since there isn't a package in the repos ive come here for some much
>>> needed help
>>> in summary, what is the correct procedure to get all above talking to
>>> each other ?
>>> are there any other dovecot/postfix packages that are pre requisites ?
>>> what needs to be added to:
>>> /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf.ext ?
>>> /etc/dovecot/conf.d/auth-sql.conf.ext ?
>>> /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-auth.conf ?
>>> i have next to no experience with PHP but ive checked the options
>>> against /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini
>>> these are missing:
>>>     - zend.ze1_compatibility_mode disabled - NA
>>>     - suhosin.session.encrypt disabled - NA
>>>     - magic_quotes_runtime disabled - NA
>>>     - magic_quotes_sybase disabled - NA
>>> php has the required compiled in modules
>>> regarding nginx, ive not installed it from repos and it has many
>>> components disabled but it does support fast cgi, php-fpm, etc, and i
>>> can submit php web forms
>>> from the RC installer tests
>>> everything is ok except getting dovecot auth working
>>> after finishing the installer and going to login i can never complete
>>> login
>>> browser:
>>> "connection to storage server failed"
>>> mail.log
>>> dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (no auth attempts in 0 secs):
>>> no errors logged for nginx or roundcube
>> sql logs
>> [07-Oct-2014 15:48:32 +1100]: [1] SELECT vars, ip, changed, now() AS ts
>> FROM session WHERE sess_id = '529elml2apbjqrdqhqjm2bm5g3';
>> [07-Oct-2014 15:48:32 +1100]: [2] INSERT INTO session (sess_id, vars,
>> ip, created, changed) VALUES ('529elml2apbjqrdqhqjm2bm5g3',
>> 'dGVtcHxiOjE7bGFuZ3VhZ2V8czo1OiJlbl9VUyI7dGFza3xzOjU6ImxvZ2luIjs=',
>> '', now(), now());
>> [07-Oct-2014 15:49:44 +1100]: [1] SELECT vars, ip, changed, now() AS ts
>> FROM session WHERE sess_id = '529elml2apbjqrdqhqjm2bm5g3';
>> [07-Oct-2014 15:49:45 +1100]: [2] DELETE FROM session WHERE sess_id =
>> '529elml2apbjqrdqhqjm2bm5g3';
>> [07-Oct-2014 15:49:45 +1100]: [3] SELECT * FROM users WHERE mail_host =
>> 'localhost' AND username = 'user';
>> [07-Oct-2014 15:49:45 +1100]: [4] DELETE FROM session WHERE sess_id =
>> '529elml2apbjqrdqhqjm2bm5g3';
>> [07-Oct-2014 15:49:45 +1100]: [5] INSERT INTO session (sess_id, vars,
>> ip, created, changed) VALUES ('529elml2apbjqrdqhqjm2bm5g3',
>> 'bGFuZ3VhZ2V8czo1OiJlbl9VUyI7dGVtcHxiOjE7c2tpbnxzOjU6ImxhcnJ5Ijs=',
>> '', now(), now());
>> userlogins
>> [07-Oct-2014 15:49:45 +1100]: Failed login for user from in
>> session 529elml2apbjqrdqhqjm2bm5g3 (error: -2)
>> no other logs from php, nginx, mail
>> surely its the inability to connect to the mysql db
>> where are the instructions for that ?
>> advice ?
> Is dovecot working without RoundCube, i.e. can you use an IMAP client to
> access your mailbox?
> Ben.

yes, pop3s imaps working fine
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