On 10/14/2014 07:37 AM, Thomas Bruederli wrote:
Hello Robert

On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 5:13 AM, Robert Moskowitz <r...@htt-consult.com> wrote:
I am installing roundcubemail on a Redsleeve6 server from the tarball:

// Set the spell checking engine. Possible values:
// - 'googie'  - the default
// - 'pspell'  - requires the PHP Pspell module and aspell installed
// - 'enchant' - requires the PHP Enchant module
// - 'atd'     - install your own After the Deadline server or check with
the people at http://www.afterthedeadline.com before using their API
// Since Google shut down their public spell checking service, you need to
// connect to a Nox Spell Server when using 'googie' here. Therefore specify
the 'spellcheck_uri'
$config['spellcheck_engine'] = 'googie';

And the install web page said that if you select google, then the mail is
sent to google for spell checking?  But here in the config file, it implies
that 'service' is no longer available and there is a spellcheck_uri, but I
don't see the syntax for that in the config file.
That indeed is a bit misleading. Yes, Google shut down their service
some time ago and therefore we're now running our own service at
http://spell.roundcube.net which implements the same API. That's also
the default service to be used when setting
$config['spellcheck_engine'] = 'googie'; and leaving 'spellcheck_uri'

I just updated the comments in the default config file to clarify this.

So where can I get instructions for the spell checking?  Or to just turn it
off for now?  pspell and enchant do not seem to be options.
You can find some instrcutions here:

I am glad to see this. I shuddered at using a public spell checker; privacy is part of the reason to run my own mailserver. Well at least some allusion of privacy ;)'

Only languages available to me is en and sk. Is en Oxford dictionary and am Webster?


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