Luciano Gabriel Andino <> wrote:

> Hi ! just finishing roudcube db backup via mysqldump, noticed that
> session table has 105K rows, cache_messeges table about 162K rows.
> Does rcu database needs some kind of maintenance? I am using rcu about
> 5 years ago with 30 email acounts.

How about thinking in a different direction: I found it much better to
put the IMAP cache and the session data into memcached. Both are
composed of volatile data and fit the memcached usage model quite nice.

This has the benefit of being faster (because memcached does not need to
flush data to a storage medium) and is auto-cleaning.

Sizing hints for memcached: My roundcube is used by 10.000 users and I
put both the IMAP index cache (message cache is disabled) and the
sessions into memcached and the max. memory usage has been 21MBytes.

Most distributions configure memcached with 64MB as default size which
would be more than enough for you.


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