Hi Benny ! 
Thank you for you reply !
but I need users to change their passwords without having to do the 
there is no  simple way to have a user change their password ?  i.e  
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     El Viernes, 9 de octubre, 2015 14:55:52, Benny Pedersen <m...@junc.eu> 

 Felipe Felipe skrev den 2015-10-09 16:19:

> I would like to know if someone have installed the plugin
> forgot_password of RC. ? i have install but don't works

if it worked, one have solved the chikken and egg problem :=)

> I have installed the plugin password and work fine but plugin
> forgot_password don't work.

if you are login into roundcube you dont need to have the password 
recovery, if you have lost the password you wont have the option of 
recovery it in roundcube

> Someone has installed and working ?

nope :)

> Thank's in advance

simply dont loose the password
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