Micah Anderson <mi...@riseup.net> writes:

> Thomas Bruederli <thomas-tzjs5fsp0j0qczcgjlu...@public.gmane.org>
> writes:
>> On Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 1:30 AM, Micah Anderson 
>> <micah-sgozh3hwpm2stnjn9+b...@public.gmane.org> wrote:
>> This should not happen. All INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE queries go to dsnw
>> and also subsequent reads from the same PHP process should use that
>> connection in order to not hit any replication delays. Can you log all
>> SQL queries and compare that with the replication log?

So I turned on the general global query log on the slave (SET global
general_log = 1;) and waited for replication to break again. Eventually
it failed again and I looked at what queries were done on the replicated
slave that were not SELECT queries and found these:

(in case the formatting is impossible to read, you can view these on
this pastebin: https://share.riseup.net/#aqcIrGmnJ_2LmC2EtphXCQ)

mysql> SELECT * FROM mysql.general_log where user_host LIKE 'roundcube%' and 
command_type NOT LIKE 'Connect' and command_type NOT LIKE 'Quit' and argument 
not LIKE 'SELECT%' and argument not LIKE 'SET NAMES%' and argument not LIKE 
| event_time          | user_host                           | thread_id | 
server_id | command_type | argument                                             
| 2015-12-29 00:22:03 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18882611 |       
  3 | Query        | DELETE FROM `cache` WHERE `user_id` = '85143' AND 
`cache_key` LIKE 'ATTACHqifhfjuoliugv5l1d9i39hvqu2.%'                           
| 2015-12-29 00:22:03 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18882600 |       
  3 | Query        | UPDATE `users` SET `last_login` = now() WHERE `user_id` = 
| 2015-12-29 00:22:09 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18882446 |       
  3 | Query        | DELETE FROM `cache` WHERE `user_id` = '263603' AND 
`cache_key` LIKE 'ATTACHisvbumgsk5ouoi367ilhkej5m2.18922776125681d17a7aa22%'    
| 2015-12-29 00:22:16 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18882737 |       
  3 | Query        | UPDATE `users` SET `last_login` = now() WHERE `user_id` = 
| 2015-12-29 00:22:24 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18882792 |       
  3 | Query        | UPDATE `users` SET `last_login` = now() WHERE `user_id` = 
| 2015-12-29 00:22:24 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18882797 |       
  3 | Query        | DELETE FROM `cache` WHERE `user_id` = '31643' AND 
`cache_key` LIKE 'ATTACHfvs4pntjvdt54pvh791nd5l4i1.%'                           
| 2015-12-29 00:22:25 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18882803 |       
  3 | Query        | UPDATE `users` SET `last_login` = now() WHERE `user_id` = 
| 2015-12-29 00:22:26 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18882810 |       
  3 | Query        | UPDATE `users` SET `last_login` = now() WHERE `user_id` = 
| 2015-12-29 00:22:28 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18882832 |       
  3 | Query        | DELETE FROM `cache` WHERE `user_id` = '250093' AND 
`cache_key` LIKE 'ATTACHmp7m6d9qppv4kr0ulla861h0v0.%'                           
| 2015-12-29 00:22:53 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18882957 |       
  3 | Query        | UPDATE `users` SET `last_login` = now() WHERE `user_id` = 
| 2015-12-29 00:22:55 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18883026 |       
  3 | Query        | UPDATE `users` SET `last_login` = now() WHERE `user_id` = 
| 2015-12-29 00:23:14 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18882991 |       
  3 | Query        | UPDATE `users` SET `last_login` = now() WHERE `user_id` = 
| 2015-12-29 01:30:11 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18917716 |       
  3 | Query        | UPDATE `users` SET `last_login` = now() WHERE `user_id` = 
| 2015-12-29 01:30:11 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18917596 |       
  3 | Query        | UPDATE `users` SET `last_login` = now() WHERE `user_id` = 
| 2015-12-29 01:30:20 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18917657 |       
  3 | Query        | UPDATE `users` SET `last_login` = now() WHERE `user_id` = 
| 2015-12-29 01:30:29 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18917514 |       
  3 | Query        | DELETE FROM `cache` WHERE `user_id` = '72113' AND 
`cache_key` LIKE 'ATTACH36nq1uh6qr32lq2ecjtm8pa6m7.17460303925681e13b51d0c%'    
| 2015-12-29 01:30:29 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18918008 |       
  3 | Query        | DELETE FROM `cache` WHERE `user_id` = '484413' AND 
`cache_key` LIKE 'ATTACHfjmgl3j151qgg3d4acu35lsre0.%'                           
| 2015-12-29 01:30:29 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18917660 |       
  3 | Query        | UPDATE `users` SET `preferences` = 
 `language` = 'pl_PL' WHERE `user_id` = '658183' |
| 2015-12-29 01:30:30 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18917876 |       
  3 | Query        | UPDATE `users` SET `last_login` = now() WHERE `user_id` = 
| 2015-12-29 01:30:30 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18917968 |       
  3 | Query        | UPDATE `users` SET `last_login` = now() WHERE `user_id` = 
| 2015-12-29 01:30:30 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18917950 |       
  3 | Query        | UPDATE `users` SET `last_login` = now() WHERE `user_id` = 
| 2015-12-29 01:30:30 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18917733 |       
  3 | Query        | DELETE FROM `cache` WHERE `expires` < now()                
| 2015-12-29 01:30:30 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18917733 |       
  3 | Query        | DELETE FROM `cache_shared` WHERE `expires` < now()         
| 2015-12-29 01:30:30 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18917733 |       
  3 | Query        | DELETE FROM `cache_messages` WHERE `expires` < now()       
| 2015-12-29 01:30:31 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18917733 |       
  3 | Query        | DELETE FROM `cache_index` WHERE `expires` < now()          
| 2015-12-29 01:30:31 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18917733 |       
  3 | Query        | DELETE FROM `cache_thread` WHERE `expires` < now()         
| 2015-12-29 01:30:32 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18918155 |       
  3 | Query        | UPDATE `users` SET `last_login` = now() WHERE `user_id` = 
| 2015-12-29 01:30:37 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18918193 |       
  3 | Query        | UPDATE `users` SET `last_login` = now() WHERE `user_id` = 
| 2015-12-29 01:30:39 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18917938 |       
  3 | Query        | DELETE FROM `cache` WHERE `user_id` = '335783' AND 
`cache_key` LIKE 'ATTACH5r67jlimb24etuhcvd638u4jf1.6098462345681e1118692c%'     
| 2015-12-29 01:30:41 | roundcube[roundcube] @  [] |  18918165 |       
  3 | Query        | DELETE FROM `cache` WHERE `user_id` = '614823' AND 
`cache_key` LIKE 'ATTACH2hjt6m819f76h3hah3ibqfkda4.4718250645681dada9ba06%'     
30 rows in set (3 min 46.24 sec)


As you can see, there are UPDATE and DELETE queries for the 'cache' and
'users' tables (last_login and preferences).

To work around this, I've done:

REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON `roundcube`.* FROM 'roundcube'@'localhost'
GRANT SELECT on `roundcube`.* TO 'roundcube'@'localhost';
flush priviledges;

But obviously something is wrong here.

>> You might look into the 'db_table_dsn' config option:
>> https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/blob/master/config/defaults.inc.php#L48
>> This was added for exactly this case. You can define 'r' or 'w'
>> connections to be used on a per-table basis.
> Thanks for that, although I don't quite understand how this works, the
> example you linked to seems to be related to the cache table, and it has
> 'r' set for cache, cache_index, cache_thread and cache_messages... what
> does this example do? It sets that table read-only on the master? How
> does this allow configuration on a per-table basis?

I'm still curious about how this config option works, I understand
holidaze, etc. just dont want to lose this part in the thread :)


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