Dear Sharon

I think you wrote to the wrong people. We don't host your e-mails and we're
not responsible for the system you're using to access them. Please contact
your internet hosting provider or IT responsible for first level support.
If you don't know who this might be please review your bills and see who
you are paying for email or web hosting services.

Roundcube is not a service but free software which your hosting provider
installed on their servers.

Best regards,

On Mon, Feb 5, 2018 at 7:22 PM, Maarten <> wrote:

> roundcube is just a mail client, do you see any mails being received in
> your maillogs by your mta(postfix, sendmail,..?) If you do but no mail is
> showing up or loading into you client that the problem could be a problem
> with your roundcube config or a problem with your imap server setup to
> retrieve the mails into your client. When was it last working, did you
> change anything?
> On 02/05/2018 06:44 PM, Sharon Canovali wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm wondering if anyone can help me get my email straightened out. I've
> had challenges from the start and greatly fear I've lost business because
> it's the address on my business cards, but I am unable to receive ANY
> emails. The account is so clogged emails won't even load. I can't even
> clean it up, or do anything.  😔
> I appreciate any help you can give. Thank you, so much.
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