new to Roundcube, I have still some confusion about configuring the LDAP
address book. Please, is somewhere a little detailed description of the
configuration scenarios and individual options?

Now I have something as this (found somewhere on the net):

$config['ldap_public']['public'] = array(
    'name'              => 'Public LDAP Addressbook',
    'hosts'             => array('ldap.mydomain'),
    'base_dn'           => 'o=spse',
    'bind_dn'           => 'cn=binduser,o=myorg',
    'bind_pass'         => 'binduseracces',
    'filter'            => '(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(cn=z*))',
    'sort'              => 'sn',
    'global_search'     => true,
    'fuzzy_search'      => true,
    'groups'            => array(
        'base_dn'         => '',
        'mail'            => '{Mail-Address}@mydomain.com',
        'filter'          => '(&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(Mail-Address=*))',
        'object_classes'  => array("top", "groupOfNames"),
        'class_member_attr' => array(
          'groupofnames'       => 'member',
          'groupofuniquenames' => 'uniquemember'
    'name_field' => 'uid',
    'email_field' => 'mail',
    'surname_field' => 'sn',
    'firstname_field' => 'givenName',
    'scope' => 'sub'

and although as I understand the description for individual people, I do
not even understand the description of groups - whole this block:

    'groups'            => array(
        'base_dn'         => '',
        'mail'            => '{Mail-Address}@mydomain.com',
        'filter'          => '(&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(Mail-Address=*))',
        'object_classes'  => array("top", "groupOfNames"),
        'class_member_attr' => array(
          'groupofnames'       => 'member',
          'groupofuniquenames' => 'uniquemember'

- why it is included just where it is?
- what is meant by:

 'object_classes'  => array("top", "groupOfNames"),

? what is block:

        'class_member_attr' => array(
          'groupofnames'       => 'member',
          'groupofuniquenames' => 'uniquemember'

In spite of all the confusion, RC puts something out. But what bothers
 me and I need to have it differently:

- when in new mail I write recipient address, autocompletion offers me
the required group. But when I click on it, in the address bar appears
no single address (groupname@mydomain), but mail addresses of all group
members! What with this?

- in address book menu, I want to display group names (as is now), but
not their members (or at least not to all RC users).
Is this possible somehow?

I'm trying Roundcube version 1.3.4, LDAP DB is some commercial one with
schema roughly corresponding with Openldap core, and groups are defined

dn: cn=_groupName_,ou=Groups,o=myorg
Mail-Address: _groupName_
objectClass: groupOfNames
objectClass: Top
objectClass: Mail-Group
member: cn=_user1_,ou=XX,o=myorg
member: cn=_user2_,ou=YY,o=myorg
cn: _groupName_

(there isn't complete mail address - only part before '@'. All groups
in addressbook are in one domain)

Thanks in advance for your help!
Franta Hanzlik
Roundcube Users mailing list

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