I'm using letsencrypt certificates with roundcube and I'm not having any

On 03/01/2018 07:49 PM, ɹןʇnqן wrote:
> On Mar 1, 2018, at 09:21, NederHost/Sebastiaan Hoogeveen 
> <s.hoogev...@nederhost.nl> wrote:
>> The 'SSL alert number 48' indicates that the server certificate cannot be 
>> verified due to being issued by an unknown CA. This is probably caused by a 
>> missing, outdated or improperly configured CA bundle on the machine running 
>> Roundcube. You should be able to reproduce the problem with openssl s_client 
>> from that machine.
> It appears that roundcube doesn't like Let's Encrypt in a way that neither 
> dovecot nor postfix (nor any of several MUAs) have an issue with
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