On Fri, 2019-08-09 at 11:01 +0100, André Rodier wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have written a milter with Python that can be
> useful, especially if you are using the Sieve filters. It is written
> for SOGo, but it should be very simple (even simpler) to translate
> into
> RoundCube address books.
> This is a very simple milter, written in Python, that do the
> following when a new message arrive.
> 1. Get the recipient uid "UID" from the email address.
> 2. Get the list of address books in the database for the user with
> uid
> "UID"
> 3. Search the sender email address in all the user's address books
> 4. If found at least one, add one header "X-AddressBook" which
> contains
> a list of all the address books found, with a prefixed syntax:
> X-AddressBook: "SOGo:Personnal, SOGo:Professional"
> So, in the case of RoundCube, the plugin would use RoundCube prefix,
> but the same principle.
> There are some limitations, of course, but it is still functional.
> - Once active, sieve filters should be simpler, no need to have a
> long
> list of from email address, just create an address book, and a put
> your
> contacts in it.
> - You can create a different automatic responder for each address
> book.
> - Because I am using this on Debian Stretch for now, I am using the
> available version of python-milter, which uses python2. When I will
> port this to buster, I will use the python3-milter package. I tried
> to
> made it compatible with version 3 as much as I could.
> - This is freshly new, and has not been tested in production yet. I
> am
> working on it.
> - You can test the behaviour using an SQLite database. Because my
> first
> idea was to use a global sqlite database synchronised with multiple
> address books, it was supposed to contain not the email address but a
> hash (sha256).
> - I am not a Python expert, and perhaps there are some errors in the
> code, but it should be readable. I had to disable a few pylint
> warnings, as I could not solve them at all, especially those related
> to
> the inherited class.
> - This is the first time I am writing a milter script, be indulgent.
> The code:
> https://github.com/progmaticltd/sogo-milters/blob/master/milter-abook/milter-abook.py
> I initially wrote this for HomeBox, I may add some documentation for
> the deployment if needed.
> Kind regards,
> André

OK, this is done, and it was quick.


So, the milter creates a header X-AddressBook, with the content like

Default address book: X-AddressBook: RoundCube:default
Specific group: X-AddressBook: RoundCube:Personal

Code is GPL v2

Database is Postgres, but perhaps can be modified easily to be MySQL or

Kind regards,
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