Looks nice. Would be nice if it could be made like this that this 
Elastic theme, can switch automatically to Dark on the evening clock. 

Hope you get in contact with the developers. Did you already fork the 
roundcube project on github? This way you can show the development team 
easily what changes you applied. You can also change the Elastic theme 
so it is easier to migrate to the dark theme. Developers are then able 
to see your changes and approve them to be merged with the master.


-----Original Message-----
To: Roundcube Users mailing list
Subject: Re: [RCU] Dark Theme


I have been developing a dark theme and would like to contribute it back 
to the community.

It is essentially based on the colors and style of the Breeze Dark theme 
available for the KDE desktop enironment on Ubuntu Linux.

But it is currently rather 'hacky' insofar as I started trying to 
develop the theme using the less css files but found that trying to 
apply colors using color.less produced uninteded results in other syles 
of the RC interface.

So much of the code is in _styles.less, as a simple override to the 
various other *.less files.

It's actually quite complicated trying to produce a dark theme from the 
current white-ish Elastic theme, because quite a few styles and elements 
of the interface do not have font colors appiled. They depend on default 

I would love to finish this theme in line with the dev team's philosophy 
for RC themes, but I would need quite a bit of advice. There is not much 
documentation on theming RC...

I have enclosed a couple of screenshots. I don't know if the mailing 
list software will let them throuph.

All comments welcome.

With all best wishos,


On 2020-01-05 20:21, @lbutlr wrote:
> The new theme is very grey on white and difficult for me to read. Is 
> there any chance of getting a dark theme that is along the lines of 
> Elastic in functionality without being so white?
> Or maybe there is already something out there I can install?
> (Larry is visually OK for me, but not great, I would prefer something 
> that was dark background with white text).
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