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  On Thu, Jul 18, 2024 at 10:48 AM, Andy Bennett<> wrote: 

I've been a happy Roundcube user since 2008 which, now that I look it up, 
seems to be almost the beginning.
Thanks for a great tool.

Recently we've discovered a need to provide some kind of warning when the 
user receives an eMail with an executable or archive (zip, tar, dmg) 

We use these kinds of attachments legitimately in our day-to-day work so 
don't want to filter them at the mail gateway, but there's a compliance 
need to tell the user that it may be dangerous.

I've had a look in the config as well as the plugin list and Google'd a bit 
but can't find anything that might be suitable.

I saw something about a warning that comes up when the extension and the 
mime-type don't match but that doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for and 
I can't work out if it can be configured and, if so, how to configure it to 
do what I want.

Can anyone point me at a config option, plugin or something else that will 
allow us to display a warning when an eMail contains a "potentially 
dangerous" attachment?


Best wishes,

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